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School Security Agreement

School Security Agreement

I. The Parties

This School Security Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into on [Month Day, Year] ("Effective Date") by and between [Your Company Name] hereinafter referred to as the ("School") with a primary place of business at [Your Company Address] and [Security Provider's Name] hereinafter referred to as the ("Security Provider") with a primary place of business at [Security Provider's Address] collectively referred to as the ("Parties").

WHEREAS, the School requires professional security services to ensure the safety and security of its students, staff, and property;

WHEREAS, the Security Provider is a qualified and licensed provider of security services with the capacity to meet the School's security needs;

WHEREAS, both Parties wish to enter into this Agreement to define the terms and conditions under which security services will be rendered;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the Parties agree as follows:

II. Scope of Services

A. Security Personnel

  1. Provision of Personnel: The Security Provider shall supply trained and qualified security personnel to the School premises. Personnel must have completed background checks and possess the necessary certifications.

  2. Coverage Requirements: Personnel will be present during school hours and for special events as requested by the School. A minimum of one supervisor and three security officers must be on-site during school hours.

  3. Staff Rotation: The Security Provider shall ensure adequate staff on rotation to avoid any lapse in security coverage. This includes arranging substitute personnel in case of absenteeism or leave.

B. Equipment and Technology

  1. Surveillance Cameras: The Security Provider shall install and maintain surveillance cameras at strategic points within the School. These cameras will cover key areas such as entrances, hallways, and common areas.

  2. Communication Devices: The Security Provider agrees to supply communication devices for use by security personnel. These devices must be reliable and facilitate immediate communication among the security team.

  3. Maintenance and Repair: All equipment supplied must be operational and meet the industry standards at all times. The Security Provider will be responsible for any repair and maintenance of the equipment, ensuring minimal downtime.

C. Patrol and Monitoring Services

  1. Regular Patrols: Security personnel will conduct regular patrols of the school premises, including halls, classrooms, and external grounds. Patrols will be conducted hourly, or as otherwise directed by the School administration.

  2. Monitoring Surveillance: Personnel will monitor surveillance feeds and report any suspicious activities immediately. This includes keeping a watchful eye on live feeds and recording footage for future review if needed.

  3. Shift Reports: Security officers must provide a report at the end of each shift, detailing any incidents or observations. These reports will be reviewed by both the Security Provider and School administration to ensure transparency and address any issues.

III. Payment Terms

A. Service Fees

  1. Monthly Fee: The School agrees to pay the Security Provider a monthly fee of [$5,000] for services rendered. This fee covers all standard security services outlined in this Agreement.

  2. Payment Schedule: Payments will be made on the [1st] day of each month to the Security Provider’s designated account. Timely payment ensures uninterrupted security services.

  3. Late Fees: A late fee of [5]% will apply to any payments made more than [10] days past the due date. This late fee encourages prompt payment and covers any administrative costs incurred due to delays.

  4. Additional Services: Any additional services requested by the School, beyond the scope defined in this Agreement, will be billed at an agreed rate. These services will be documented and approved by both Parties before implementation.

B. Taxes and Duties

  1. Tax Responsibility: All taxes, duties, and other governmental charges related to the provision of services under this Agreement shall be borne by the Security Provider. This ensures compliance with applicable tax laws.

  2. Compliance: The Security Provider will ensure compliance with all applicable tax laws and regulations. Proof of compliance may be requested by the School.

C. Invoice Disputes

  1. Invoice Review: Invoices will be reviewed by the School within [7] days of receipt. This review ensures accuracy and allows for prompt payment.

  2. Dispute Notification: Any disputes regarding invoices must be raised within [10] days of the invoice date. This timeline ensures that issues are addressed quickly and efficiently.

  3. Resolution Efforts: The Parties agree to work in good faith to resolve any disputed invoice issues promptly. This cooperative approach aims to maintain a positive working relationship.

IV. Term and Termination

A. Agreement Term

  1. Initial Term: This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and continue for a term of [1] year unless terminated earlier. The initial term provides a stable period for service evaluation.

  2. Renewal Process: Either party may renew this Agreement in writing at least [30] days before the end of the current term. All terms and conditions remain in effect during any renewal period.

  3. Review and Adjustments: The terms of renewal, including any adjustments to fees or services, will be agreed upon by both Parties before renewal.

B. Termination for Convenience

  1. Notice Period: Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing [30] days written notice to the other party. This notice period allows for planning and transition.

  2. Transition Responsibilities: Upon termination, the Security Provider shall ensure the orderly transfer of any responsibilities back to the School. This includes returning any School property and providing necessary information for continuity.

  3. Final Payments: The School will make final payments for services rendered up to the termination date. This ensures that all financial obligations are settled.

C. Termination for Cause

  1. Material Breach: This Agreement may be terminated by either party for cause if there is a material breach of any term or condition. The breaching party will have [15] days to cure the breach upon receipt of written notice from the non-breaching party.

  2. Immediate Termination: If the breach is not cured within the specified period, the Agreement may be terminated immediately. This clause protects the interests of the non-breaching party.

  3. Documentation of Breach: The non-breaching party will document the breach and the steps taken to notify and attempt resolution. This documentation will be kept on record for reference.

V. Responsibilities of the School

A. Event Notifications

  1. Advance Notice: The School will notify the Security Provider of any special events or activities requiring additional security coverage. Notifications should be made at least [14] days prior to the event date.

  2. Event Requirements: The School will clearly outline the requirements and expectations for such events. This ensures that the Security Provider can adequately prepare and allocate resources.

  3. Follow-Up: After each event, a review meeting will be conducted to discuss the security performance and any lessons learned for future improvements.

B. Facility Access

  1. Access Provision: The School will provide the Security Provider with necessary access to all areas requiring patrol and monitoring. All keys, access cards, and codes will be supplied to authorized security personnel.

  2. Access Maintenance: The School will ensure that access points are maintained and functioning properly. Any issues with access will be reported immediately to the Security Provider.

  3. Restricted Areas: The School will inform the Security Provider of any restricted areas and provide guidelines for access, if necessary.

C. Coordination with School Staff

  1. Point of Contact: The School will designate a point of contact to coordinate with the Security Provider's personnel. This ensures clear communication and efficient handling of security matters.

  2. Regular Meetings: Regular meetings will be scheduled to review security performance and address any concerns. These meetings will help maintain a collaborative approach to school security.

  3. Staff Cooperation: The School will ensure staff cooperation in supporting security measures. This includes adhering to security protocols and reporting any concerns to security personnel.

VI. Responsibilities of the Security Provider

A. Employee Conduct

  1. Professional Behavior: The Security Provider will ensure all security personnel conduct themselves in a professional manner. Personnel must adhere to the School's code of conduct and policies.

  2. Incident Reporting: Any incidents of misconduct will be reported to the School immediately. This ensures timely resolution and maintains the integrity of the security team.

  3. Ongoing Monitoring: The Security Provider will continuously monitor the conduct of their personnel to ensure compliance with the agreed standards.

B. Training and Certification

  1. Regular Training: All security personnel will undergo regular training on emergency response and conflict management. This training ensures personnel are prepared for various security scenarios.

  2. Certification Maintenance: Personnel will maintain necessary certifications and qualifications throughout the term of the Agreement. This includes renewing certifications as required.

  3. Training Records: Training records will be made available to the School upon request. This transparency allows the School to verify the qualifications of security personnel.

C. Reporting and Documentation

  1. Activity Records: The Security Provider will maintain detailed records of all security activities conducted under this Agreement. These records will be reviewed periodically by the School.

  2. Incident Reports: Incident reports will be submitted to the School within [24] hours of any occurrence. These reports will provide a detailed account of the incident and any actions taken.

  3. Performance Reports: Monthly performance reports will be provided to review security measures and incidents. These reports will include recommendations for improvements if necessary.

VII. Insurance and Liability

A. Insurance Coverage

  1. Liability Insurance: The Security Provider shall maintain comprehensive liability insurance covering all services provided under this Agreement. The insurance policy must cover damages to property and injury to persons resulting from the performance of security services.

  2. Additional Insured: The School shall be named as an additional insured on the Security Provider's policy. A certificate of insurance will be provided to the School upon request.

  3. Policy Updates: The Security Provider will notify the School of any changes to the insurance policy, including renewals and modifications.

B. Indemnification

  1. Hold Harmless: The Security Provider agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the School from any claims or damages arising from the performance of security services. This indemnification obligation will survive the termination of this Agreement.

  2. Notification of Claims: The School will promptly notify the Security Provider of any claim or legal action related to security services. This ensures that the Security Provider can respond appropriately.

  3. Cooperation in Defense: Both Parties will cooperate in the defense of any claims arising from security services. This cooperation includes sharing information and attending legal proceedings if necessary.

VIII. Confidentiality

A. Protection of Information

  1. Confidentiality Obligation: The Security Provider shall maintain the confidentiality of all information obtained during the performance of services. This obligation includes student records, staff information, and any other sensitive data.

  2. Material Breach: Any breach of confidentiality will be considered a material breach of this Agreement, subject to termination. This clause underscores the importance of protecting sensitive information.

  3. Non-Disclosure Agreement: Security personnel will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement to reinforce the confidentiality obligation.

B. Return of Information

  1. Return of Materials: Upon termination of this Agreement, the Security Provider will return all confidential information to the School. This includes physical documents and electronic files.

  2. Deletion of Electronic Records: All electronic records containing School information will be deleted from the Security Provider's systems. Confirmation of deletion will be provided to the School.

  3. Data Security: The Security Provider will ensure that any data storage devices used during the term of the Agreement are securely wiped before disposal.

IX. Dispute Resolution

A. Negotiation

  1. Initial Discussions: In the event of any dispute arising under this Agreement, the Parties agree to first attempt to resolve the matter through direct negotiations. Representatives of both Parties will meet within [15] days of a dispute being raised to discuss and negotiate a resolution.

  2. Documentation of Discussions: The Parties will document the discussions and any agreed-upon actions. This documentation will be used as a reference if further steps are needed.

  3. Good Faith Efforts: Both Parties agree to make good faith efforts to resolve disputes amicably and maintain a positive working relationship.

B. Mediation

  1. Third-Party Mediator: If direct negotiations fail, the Parties may agree to submit the dispute to mediation. Mediation will be conducted by a neutral third party selected by mutual consent of both Parties.

  2. Cost Sharing: The costs of mediation will be shared equally between the Parties. This approach encourages both Parties to engage in the mediation process.

  3. Confidentiality: Mediation proceedings will be confidential, and any information disclosed during mediation cannot be used in subsequent legal proceedings.

X. Miscellaneous

A. Governing Law

  1. Applicable Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State Name]. Any legal action arising out of this Agreement shall be brought in the courts located within [State Name].

  2. Jurisdiction: The Parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in [State Name] for any disputes arising under this Agreement.

  3. Legal Compliance: Both Parties agree to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

B. Amendments

  1. Written Amendments: This Agreement may be amended only by a written document signed by authorized representatives of both Parties. Any amendments must be agreed upon and documented to be enforceable.

  2. Review Process: Proposed amendments will be reviewed and discussed by both Parties before being finalized. This ensures mutual agreement and understanding of the changes.

  3. Implementation: Once agreed upon, amendments will be implemented and integrated into the existing Agreement terms.

C. Entire Agreement

  1. Integration Clause: This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties regarding the subject matter herein. It supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, and agreements, whether written or oral.

  2. Additional Terms: Any additional terms and conditions proposed by either party must be included in a formal amendment. Informal agreements or understandings will not be binding.

  3. Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.

XI. Signatures

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.


[Authorized Representative Name]

[Your Company Name]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

Security Provider

[Authorized Representative Name]

[Security Provider's Name]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

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