Rental Property Inspection Report


I. Property Details

Property Address:


Unit Number:

Apartment 4B

Date of Inspection:

July 5, 2055

II. Inspector Details

Inspector Name:

[Your Name]

Inspector Company:

Reliable Property Inspections

Contact Information:

Phone: 555-123-4567

Email: [Your Email]

III. Description of Areas Inspected

Area Inspected


Living Room

The living room is spacious with hardwood floors. There are minor scuffs on the walls which can be easily addressed with touch-up paint. Window blinds are functional.


The kitchen is well-equipped with modern appliances. The stove and oven are in good working condition. However, the sink faucet has a slight leak that should be repaired promptly to prevent water damage.


The master bedroom has carpet flooring that needs cleaning, and the closet door squeaks loudly when opened. In the guest bedroom, there is chipping paint on one wall that requires a touch-up.


In the main bathroom, the tile grout needs cleaning, and the showerhead has low water pressure. The half bath has a loose toilet flush handle that should be tightened.

Exterior Areas

The balcony shows signs of wear with peeling paint on the railing, indicating a need for repainting to prevent further deterioration. The yard has some areas where the grass is overgrown and needs trimming.


The refrigerator is functioning well for cooling but the ice maker is not operational. The stove burners and oven are working properly with no issues noted.

IV. Condition Assessment

A. General Condition

The overall condition of the property is satisfactory with some minor maintenance issues that require attention to ensure tenant comfort and satisfaction.

B. Specific Areas

Living Room

The living room is in good order with minor cosmetic scuffs on the walls. Recommending a touch-up paint job to maintain a pristine appearance.


Kitchen appliances are in good working condition. Recommend repairing the sink faucet leak promptly to prevent further damage to cabinetry and countertops.


  • The master bedroom carpet needs cleaning to remove stains and improve overall appearance. The squeaky closet door hinge should be lubricated or replaced to minimize noise disturbance.

  • Touch up the guest bedroom wall paint to enhance the aesthetic appeal and maintain property value.


  • The main bathroom requires a thorough cleaning of tile grout to prevent mold growth. Adjust the showerhead to improve water pressure for tenant convenience.

  • Tighten the loose toilet flush handle in the half bath to prevent potential breakdown.

V. Recommendations

  • Address the leaking sink faucet in the kitchen promptly to prevent water damage and ensure kitchen functionality.

  • Schedule professional carpet cleaning for the master bedroom to enhance tenant comfort and extend carpet lifespan.

  • Lubricate or replace the closet door hinge in the master bedroom to reduce noise disturbance for tenants.

  • Touch-up paint in the guest bedroom to maintain a fresh and appealing interior for potential tenants.

  • Repaint the balcony railing to prevent further rusting and maintain the property's exterior aesthetics.

  • Trim overgrown grass in the yard to enhance curb appeal and prevent complaints from neighbors.

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