Preschool Financial Contract

Preschool Financial Contract

This Preschool Financial Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [Month Day, Year], by and between:

Preschool: [Your Company Name], having its principal place of business at [Your Company Address], (hereinafter referred to as "Preschool"),

Parent/Guardian: [Parent/Guardian Name], residing at [Parent/Guardian Address], (hereinafter referred to as "Parent" or "Guardian").

1. Payment Obligation

1.1 Tuition Fees: The Parent agrees to pay the Preschool tuition fees in the amount of $[0] per [month] for the enrollment of the child named [Child's Name] ("Child").

1.2 Payment Schedule: Payment shall be made on a [Monthly] basis, due on or before the first day of each month.

1.3 Late Payments: A late fee of $[0] will be charged for payments not received by the due date. If payments are consistently late, the Preschool reserves the right to terminate this Contract.

1.4 Method of Payment: Payments shall be made by [electronic transfer]. Any transaction fees associated with electronic transfers shall be the responsibility of the Parent.

1.5 Payment Records: The Preschool shall maintain accurate records of all payments made by the Parent, including the date and method of payment. These records shall be made available to the Parent upon request.

1.6 Payment Receipts: The Preschool shall provide a receipt for each payment made by the Parent, indicating the amount paid, the date of payment, and the purpose of the payment.

1.7 Payment Disputes: In the event of a dispute regarding tuition fees or payments, both parties agree to attempt to resolve the dispute amicably. If a resolution cannot be reached, either party may seek legal recourse.

1.8 Changes to Tuition Fees: The Preschool reserves the right to change tuition fees upon [0] days' notice to the Parent. Any changes to tuition fees shall not affect payments already made for the current payment period.

1.9 Financial Assistance: The Preschool offers financial assistance programs for families experiencing financial hardship. Parents interested in applying for financial assistance should contact the Preschool administration for more information.

2. Registration Fee

2.1 Fee Amount: A non-refundable registration fee of $[0] is due upon enrollment of the Child.

2.2 Purpose: The registration fee reserves a place for the Child in the Preschool and covers administrative costs, including but not limited to processing enrollment paperwork, securing classroom materials, and administrative staff salaries.

2.3 Payment Deadline: The registration fee must be paid in full by [Month Day, Year], which is [0] days from the date of enrollment confirmation.

2.4 Registration Confirmation: Upon receipt of the registration fee, the Preschool will provide the Parent with a written confirmation of the Child's enrollment, including details of the program and start date.

2.5 Fee Waiver: In exceptional circumstances, the Preschool may waive the registration fee at its discretion. Parents wishing to request a fee waiver should submit a written request to the Preschool administration, providing detailed justification for the request.

2.6 Refunds: The registration fee is non-refundable except in cases where the Preschool is unable to provide services as agreed upon in this Contract.

3. Additional Fees

3.1 Late Pick-Up Fee: A late pick-up fee of $[0] will be charged for every [hour] that the Child is not picked up by the scheduled pick-up time. Late pick-up fees are intended to cover the additional staffing costs incurred by the Preschool.

3.2 Returned Check Fee: A fee of $[0] will be charged for any returned checks. This fee is to cover the administrative costs associated with processing returned checks.

3.3 Other Fees: The Preschool may charge additional fees for field trips, special activities, or other services not covered by tuition. Parents will be notified in advance of any additional fees and will have the option to opt-out of these activities if desired.

3.4 Fee Schedule: A schedule of additional fees, including late pick-up fees, returned check fees, and fees for other services, will be provided to Parents upon enrollment and may be updated from time to time by the Preschool.

3.5 Payment of Additional Fees: Additional fees must be paid within [0] days of the date of the invoice. Failure to pay additional fees may result in the Child being unable to participate in certain activities or services.

4. Withdrawal and Refunds

4.1 Notice Period: If the Parent decides to withdraw the Child from the Preschool, a written notice of at least [0] days is required. This notice period allows the Preschool to make arrangements for the Child's departure and to fill the vacancy.

4.2 Refunds: Tuition fees are non-refundable except in cases where the Preschool is unable to provide services as agreed upon in this Contract. In such cases, a prorated refund of tuition fees for the remaining portion of the [Payment Period] will be provided to the Parent.

4.3 Deposit Refund: Any deposits paid by the Parent, such as a security deposit or materials fee, will be refunded in full upon the Child's withdrawal from the Preschool, provided that all outstanding fees and charges have been paid and all Preschool property has been returned.

4.4 Refund Process: Refunds will be processed within [0] days of the Child's withdrawal, and will be issued in the same form as the original payment (e.g., check, electronic transfer).

4.5 No Refunds for Absences: No refunds will be provided for absences, including but not limited to illness, vacation, or other personal reasons, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Preschool.

5. Health and Safety

5.1 Health Forms: The Parent agrees to provide the Preschool with up-to-date health and immunization records for the Child. These records must be provided upon enrollment and updated annually or as required by state regulations. Failure to provide up-to-date health and immunization records may result in the Child's exclusion from the Preschool until such records are provided.

5.2 Emergency Contact: The Parent agrees to provide the Preschool with emergency contact information for the Child. This information must include the names and phone numbers of at least two emergency contacts who can be reached in case of illness, injury, or other emergencies involving the Child. The Parent also agrees to notify the Preschool promptly of any changes to emergency contact information.

5.3 Health and Safety Policies: The Parent acknowledges that the Preschool has health and safety policies in place to protect the well-being of all children in attendance. The Parent agrees to comply with these policies, which may include but are not limited to illness policies, medication administration policies, and emergency preparedness procedures.

5.4 Medical Authorization: The Parent authorizes the Preschool staff to seek emergency medical treatment for the Child if necessary. The Parent agrees to assume responsibility for any medical expenses incurred as a result of such treatment.

5.5 Health and Safety Inspections: The Parent acknowledges that the Preschool is subject to periodic health and safety inspections by state and local authorities. The Parent agrees to cooperate with these inspections and to follow any recommendations made by inspectors to ensure the health and safety of the Child and other children in attendance.

6. Termination

6.1 Termination by Preschool: The Preschool reserves the right to terminate this Contract if the Parent fails to meet their financial obligations or if the Child's behavior is deemed harmful to others. In such cases, the Preschool will provide written notice to the Parent stating the reasons for termination and the effective date of termination. The Parent will be responsible for any outstanding fees or charges up to the effective date of termination.

6.2 Termination by Parent: The Parent may terminate this Contract by providing written notice as per Section 4.1. The effective date of termination shall be [0] days from the date of receipt of the written notice by the Preschool. The Parent will be responsible for any outstanding fees or charges up to the effective date of termination.

6.3 Immediate Termination: Notwithstanding the above, the Preschool reserves the right to terminate this Contract immediately if the Child's continued attendance poses a risk to the health or safety of the Child or others, or if the Parent engages in conduct that is disruptive to the Preschool's operations.

6.4 Return of Preschool Property: Upon termination of this Contract, the Parent agrees to return any Preschool property, including but not limited to keys, access cards, and educational materials, in their possession.

6.5 No Refunds Upon Termination: No refunds of tuition fees or other charges will be provided upon termination of this Contract, except as provided in Section 4.2.

7. Confidentiality

7.1 Confidential Information: Both parties agree to keep confidential any information related to this Contract and the Child. This includes, but is not limited to, financial information, health and medical information, and personal information about the Child and their family. Confidential information shall not be disclosed to any third party without the written consent of both parties, except as required by law.

7.2 Exceptions: The obligations of confidentiality set forth in this section shall not apply to any information that is publicly available or becomes publicly available through no fault of either party, or information that is required to be disclosed by law.

7.3 Data Protection: The Preschool agrees to comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations with respect to any personal data collected, processed, or stored as part of this Contract.

7.4 Duration of Confidentiality: The obligations of confidentiality set forth in this section shall survive the termination of this Contract and shall remain in effect indefinitely.

8. Governing Law

8.1 Jurisdiction: This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of [State]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [State].

8.2 Legal Compliance: Both parties agree to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations in connection with this Contract, including but not limited to laws relating to education, child care, and consumer protection.

8.3 Amendments: Any amendments or modifications to this Contract must be made in writing and signed by both parties.

9. Entire Agreement

9.1 Entire Agreement: This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.

[Preschool Name]

[Your Name]


[Month Day, Year]


[Full Name]

[Month Day, Year]

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