School Daycare Contract

School Daycare Contract

This School Daycare Contract (“Contract”) is made and entered into on [Month Day, Year], between [Your Company Name], located at [Your Company Address] (“School”), and the child’s parent or legal guardian, [Parent/Guardian Name], residing at [Parent/Guardian Address] (“Parent/Guardian”).

1. Daycare Services

1.1 The School agrees to provide comprehensive daycare services for the child named [Child’s Name] (“Child”) during the School’s normal operating hours, from [Start Time] to [End Time], on regular school days. This includes but is not limited to, age-appropriate educational activities, supervised playtime, rest periods, and nutritious snacks.

1.2 The Parent/Guardian agrees to drop off the Child no earlier than [Start Time] and pick up the Child no later than [End Time]. If the Child is not picked up by [End Time], the School reserves the right to charge a late pickup fee of $[0] per [hour].

1.3 The School will provide appropriate supervision and care for the Child during daycare hours, ensuring a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment. All staff members are trained in first aid and CPR, and the School will maintain a staff-to-child ratio that complies with state regulations to ensure adequate supervision at all times.

2. Fees and Payment

2.1 The Parent/Guardian agrees to pay the School a monthly fee of $[0] for daycare services. This fee includes the following:

  • Age-appropriate educational materials and resources

  • Nutritious snacks and beverages provided twice daily

  • Supervised playtime and structured activities

  • Rest periods with provided mats and blankets

  • Basic first aid supplies and care

  • Regular progress reports and parent-teacher meetings

  • Any additional costs for special events, field trips, or extra-curricular activities will be communicated in advance and must be paid separately.

2.2 Payment is due on the [5th] of each month. Payments can be made via:

  • Check, made payable to [Your Company Name]

  • Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)

  • Direct debit from a bank account

A grace period of [0] days is allowed for late payments. Payments received after this grace period will incur a late fee of $[0] per day until the full payment is made. If the due date falls on a weekend or holiday, payment is expected on the next business day.

2.3 The School reserves the right to suspend daycare services for non-payment. If payment is not received within [0] days after the due date, the Child may be excluded from daycare until the account is brought current. Repeated late payments may result in the following actions:

  • A written warning after the first occurrence

  • A meeting with the Parent/Guardian after the second occurrence to discuss payment issues

  • Permanent termination of daycare services after the third occurrence

The Parent/Guardian is also responsible for any bank fees incurred due to returned checks or insufficient funds. In the event of a returned check, all future payments must be made by credit card or direct debit.

2.4 In the event of a financial hardship, the Parent/Guardian may request a temporary payment plan. Such requests must be made in writing and are subject to approval by the School administration. Approved payment plans will outline the revised payment schedule and any applicable conditions.

2.5 The School reserves the right to adjust the monthly fee with [0] days' notice to the Parent/Guardian. Fee adjustments will typically occur at the beginning of the academic year and will be based on factors such as inflation, increased operational costs, and enhanced service offerings. The new fee structure will be communicated in writing, and the Parent/Guardian will have the option to accept the new terms or terminate the Contract.

2.6 Refunds for daycare services will not be provided for absences due to illness, vacations, or other personal reasons. In cases of extended absence due to medical conditions, the Parent/Guardian may submit a written request for partial fee adjustment, accompanied by a doctor’s note. Approval of such requests is at the sole discretion of the School administration.

3. Health and Safety

3.1 The Parent/Guardian agrees to inform the School in writing of any health issues or allergies the Child may have, including but not limited to:

  • Medical conditions (e.g., asthma, diabetes, epilepsy)

  • Allergies (e.g., food allergies, insect bites)

  • Special dietary requirements

  • Medications currently being taken by the Child

This information must be provided prior to the Child's enrollment in the daycare program and updated as necessary. The School will maintain this information in strict confidence and use it to ensure the Child's safety and well-being.

3.2 The School will take reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of the Child during daycare hours. This includes:

  • Providing a clean and hygienic environment, including regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces and toys

  • Ensuring all staff members are trained in basic first aid and CPR

  • Implementing safety measures such as childproofing of facilities and supervision during outdoor play

  • Following state guidelines for child-to-staff ratios to ensure adequate supervision at all times

  • Having a designated area for the administration of medication, with proper authorization from the Parent/Guardian

3.3 In the event of a medical emergency or serious illness, the School will contact the Parent/Guardian immediately using the emergency contact information provided. If the Parent/Guardian cannot be reached, the School will contact emergency services and follow their instructions.

3.4 The Parent/Guardian agrees to promptly inform the School of any changes to the Child's health status or contact information. This includes changes to medications, allergies, or emergency contacts. Failure to provide updated information may result in the School being unable to provide appropriate care for the Child in case of emergency.

4. Discipline

4.1 The School is committed to providing a safe, respectful, and nurturing environment for all children in its care. The School will use positive reinforcement and age-appropriate discipline techniques to encourage positive behavior and discourage negative behavior. These techniques may include verbal praise, rewards, redirection, and time-outs, as deemed appropriate by the staff.

4.2 The Parent/Guardian plays a crucial role in supporting the School's discipline policies. The Parent/Guardian agrees to inform the School of any specific discipline methods or practices that they do not wish to be used with the Child. The School will respect these requests to the extent possible, provided that they do not compromise the safety or well-being of the Child or others in the daycare program.

4.3 In cases where a Child's behavior poses a risk to themselves or others, the School reserves the right to take immediate action to ensure the safety of all children and staff. This may include separating the Child from the group, contacting the Parent/Guardian to discuss the behavior, and implementing a behavior management plan in collaboration with the Parent/Guardian.

4.4 The School believes in open communication between staff and parents/guardians regarding behavior management. The School will provide regular updates on the Child's behavior and progress, and will work collaboratively with the Parent/Guardian to address any behavioral concerns that may arise.

5. Communication

5.1 The School recognizes the importance of communication between the School and the Parent/Guardian regarding the Child's activities and progress during daycare hours. The School will provide regular updates to the Parent/Guardian through various means, including:

  • Daily reports detailing the Child's activities, meals, naps, and any notable events

  • Weekly newsletters with information about upcoming events, curriculum highlights, and reminders

  • Parent-teacher conferences to discuss the Child's development and address any concerns

5.2 The Parent/Guardian agrees to inform the School promptly of any changes to contact information or emergency contacts. This includes changes to phone numbers, email addresses, and emergency contact persons. The School relies on accurate and up-to-date contact information to ensure the safety and well-being of the Child. Failure to provide updated information may result in the School being unable to contact the Parent/Guardian in case of emergency.

5.3 The School encourages open communication between staff and parents/guardians. Parents/guardians are welcome to contact the School at any time with questions, concerns, or feedback. The School will make every effort to respond promptly and address any issues that may arise.

6. Termination

6.1 Either party may terminate this Contract with [0] days’ written notice. This notice must be provided in writing and sent to the other party via certified mail or email. The termination will be effective [0] days from the date of receipt of the written notice.

6.2 The School reserves the right to terminate this Contract immediately in the event of non-payment of fees. If the Parent/Guardian fails to make payment within [Number of Days] days of the due date, the School may terminate this Contract and exclude the Child from daycare until all outstanding fees are paid in full.

6.3 The School also reserves the right to terminate this Contract immediately if the Child's behavior poses a risk to themselves or others. In such cases, the School will notify the Parent/Guardian immediately and discuss the reasons for termination. The Parent/Guardian may be required to pick up the Child immediately upon notification of termination.

6.4 Upon termination of this Contract, any outstanding fees or charges owed to the School must be paid in full. The School will provide the Parent/Guardian with a final statement of account detailing any remaining balances.

6.5 Termination of this Contract does not relieve the Parent/Guardian of any obligations or liabilities incurred prior to the termination date. The provisions regarding confidentiality, dispute resolution, and governing law shall survive termination of this Contract.

7. General Provisions

7.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding daycare services for the Child and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings.

7.2 Any modifications to this Contract must be made in writing and signed by both parties.

7.3 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State], without regard to its conflict of law principles.

8. Signatures

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.

[Your Company Name]


[Your Name]


[Month Day, Year]



[Full Name]

[Month Day, Year]

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