After-School Contract

After-School Contract

I. The Parties

This After-School Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into on [Month Day, Year] ("Effective Date") by and between [Your Company Name] hereinafter referred to as the ("Provider") with a primary place of business at [Your Company Address] and [Parent's Name] hereinafter referred to as the ("Parent") residing at [Parent's Address], collectively referred to as the ("Parties").

WHEREAS, the Provider offers after-school programs designed to enhance the educational and social experiences of students.

WHEREAS, the Parent wishes to enroll their child, [Student's Name], hereinafter referred to as the ("Student"), in the Provider's after-school program.

WHEREAS, the Parties desire to enter into this Contract to establish the terms and conditions under which the Student will participate in the after-school program.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, the Parties hereby agree as follows:

II. Attendance

A. Regular Attendance

  1. Mandatory Attendance: The Student is required to attend the after-school program from [Monday] to [Friday], from [3:00 PM] to [6:00 PM], to ensure consistent participation and benefit from the program.

  2. Notification of Absence: Parents must notify the Provider in advance if the Student will be absent for any scheduled day to ensure accurate record-keeping and planning.

  3. Unexcused Absences: Continued, unexcused absences may result in the termination of the Student’s participation in the program to maintain program integrity.

  4. Consultation for Absenteeism: In the event of persistent absenteeism, the Provider reserves the right to consult with the Parent to address and rectify the situation to support the Student’s engagement.

  5. Impact of Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial for the success of program activities and the Student’s development, reinforcing the importance of commitment to the program schedule.

B. Early Release

  1. Written Notification: The Student may be released early from the program only if prior written notification has been provided by the Parent to ensure the safety and proper documentation of the Student.

  2. Emergency Situations: In emergency situations, verbal confirmation via a phone call from the Parent will be accepted, followed by written notice to document the incident accurately.

  3. Unauthorized Pickup: Unauthorized early pickup by anyone not listed on the Student’s emergency contact list will not be permitted to ensure the Student’s safety.

  4. Sign-Out Requirement: Parents must sign the Student out when picking them up early to ensure proper documentation and adherence to safety protocols.

C. Attendance Monitoring

  1. Tracking Attendance: The Provider will maintain an attendance log to monitor the Student’s participation and identify any patterns of absenteeism.

  2. Parental Involvement: Parents are encouraged to review attendance records regularly and discuss any concerns with the Provider to support the Student’s consistent attendance.

  3. Follow-Up Actions: The Provider will follow up with Parents regarding any attendance issues to develop strategies for improvement and ensure the Student’s full participation in the program.

III. Behavior Expectations

A. Code of Conduct

  1. Respectful Behavior: The Student is expected to adhere to the Provider’s code of conduct, which includes respecting staff, peers, and program property, fostering a positive environment.

  2. Prohibited Conduct: Disruptive behavior, bullying, or any form of harassment will not be tolerated to ensure a safe and supportive environment for all participants.

  3. Corrective Actions: Repeated violations of the code of conduct will result in meetings with the Parent to discuss corrective actions to address and prevent further issues.

  4. Severe Consequences: In severe cases, the Provider reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Student's participation in the program to maintain a safe environment.

B. Disciplinary Actions

  1. Verbal Warnings: Minor infractions will be addressed through verbal warnings and discussions about appropriate behavior to guide the Student in understanding expectations.

  2. Activity Removal: Moderate infractions may necessitate temporary removal from specific activities and discussions with the Parent to address the behavior and develop solutions.

  3. Immediate Suspension: Major infractions will lead to immediate suspension and a mandatory meeting with the Parent to determine further actions and ensure the Student’s safety and compliance.

C. Parent Responsibilities

  1. Reinforcement at Home: Parents are expected to reinforce positive behavior and support the behavioral expectations set by the Provider to ensure consistency and support.

  2. Open Communication: Parents should communicate openly with the Provider regarding any behavioral concerns or issues relevant to the Student’s well-being to facilitate collaborative problem-solving.

  3. Cooperation with Measures: Parents must cooperate with the Provider’s disciplinary measures to ensure a safe and supportive environment for all participants, reinforcing the importance of adherence to rules.

IV. Payment

A. Fee Schedule

  1. Weekly Fee: The fee for the after-school program is [$150] per week, payable on the [1st] day of each week to ensure timely funding for program operations.

  2. Registration Fee: A one-time registration fee of [$50] is due at the time of signing this Contract to cover initial administrative costs.

  3. Annual Review: Fees are subject to annual review and adjustments as determined by the Provider to reflect changes in operational costs.

  4. Non-Refundable Payments: All payments are non-refundable except in the case of program cancellation by the Provider to ensure financial stability.

  5. Late Payment Penalty: Late payments will incur a [$10] penalty for each day past the due date to encourage timely payments.

B. Payment Method

  1. Accepted Methods: Payments can be made via check, credit card, or electronic funds transfer to provide flexibility for Parents.

  2. Processing Fee: Credit card payments will incur an additional [3]% processing fee to cover transaction costs.

  3. Receipts: Receipts for payments will be issued within [5] business days upon request to provide proof of payment and for record-keeping.

C. Financial Assistance

  1. Application for Assistance: Financial assistance may be available for qualifying families based on need and available funds to support access to the program.

  2. Required Documentation: Parents interested in financial assistance must complete a separate application form and provide necessary documentation to determine eligibility.

  3. Approval Process: Approval and amount of financial assistance are at the sole discretion of the Provider and will be communicated in writing to ensure transparency and fairness.

D. Payment Plan Options

  1. Flexible Plans: The Provider offers flexible payment plans to accommodate different financial situations, ensuring that all families have access to the program.

  2. Custom Arrangements: Parents may discuss custom payment arrangements with the Provider to find a mutually agreeable solution.

  3. Timely Payments: Parents are expected to adhere to the agreed payment plan schedule to avoid disruptions in the Student’s participation in the program.

  4. Review of Plans: Payment plans will be reviewed periodically to ensure they remain effective and manageable for both the Parent and the Provider.

V. Safety and Emergency Procedures

A. Health and Safety Protocols

  1. Regulatory Compliance: The Provider will adhere to all applicable health and safety regulations to ensure the well-being of all participants, maintaining high standards.

  2. Health Records: The Student must submit a current health record, including immunization history, prior to program commencement to ensure preparedness and safety.

  3. First Aid Training: All staff members are trained in basic first aid and emergency response procedures to handle emergencies effectively.

  4. Clean Environment: The Provider will maintain a clean and hazard-free environment to minimize the risk of injury or illness, conducting regular safety checks.

  5. Safety Drills: Regular safety drills will be conducted to prepare students and staff for emergencies, ensuring readiness and proper response.

B. Emergency Contact Information

  1. Alternate Contacts: Parents are required to provide current emergency contact information, including at least [2] alternate contacts to ensure timely communication in emergencies.

  2. Authorized Contacts: Emergency contacts must be reachable during program hours and authorized to pick up the Student if necessary to ensure safety.

  3. Prompt Updates: Parents must promptly update the Provider of any changes to emergency contact information to ensure accuracy and effectiveness.

  4. Emergency Form: An emergency contact form will be provided and must be completed and returned before the Student’s first day in the program to ensure readiness.

C. Emergency Procedures

  1. Immediate Action: In case of an emergency, the Provider will take immediate action to ensure the safety of the Student, including contacting emergency services if necessary.

  2. Parent Notification: The Provider will promptly notify the Parent of any emergencies involving the Student to keep them informed and involved in decision-making.

  3. Emergency Protocols: The Provider will follow established emergency protocols to handle different types of emergencies, ensuring a systematic response.

VI. Transportation

A. Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures

  1. Designated Times: Students must be dropped off no earlier than [2:45 PM] and picked up no later than [6:00 PM] to ensure proper supervision.

  2. Sign-In/Sign-Out: Parents are responsible for signing the Student in and out each day to ensure accurate attendance records and safety.

  3. Authorization for Pickup: If someone other than the Parent will pick up the Student, a written authorization must be provided in advance to ensure safety.

  4. Designated Locations: Parents must adhere to designated drop-off and pick-up locations to ensure the safety and efficiency of the process.

  5. Punctuality: Parents should ensure punctual drop-off and pick-up to avoid disruptions in the Student’s schedule and program activities.

B. Transportation Services

  1. No Provider Transport: The Provider does not offer transportation services. Parents must make their own arrangements for the Student’s transportation to and from the program.

  2. Carpooling: If carpooling with other program participants, Parents must inform the Provider and provide any necessary authorizations to ensure proper documentation and safety.

  3. Safety Assurance: Parents should ensure that their transportation arrangements are timely and safe to avoid any disruptions or safety concerns for the Student.

C. Transportation Safety

  1. Safe Practices: Parents are encouraged to follow safe transportation practices, including the use of car seats and seat belts, to ensure the Student’s safety.

  2. Emergency Plans: Parents should have an emergency transportation plan in place in case of unforeseen circumstances, ensuring the Student’s safety and timely arrival.

  3. Communication: Any changes to transportation plans should be communicated to the Provider promptly to ensure accurate records and safety.

VII. Communication

A. Provider-Parent Communication

  1. Communication Channels: The Provider will communicate with Parents via email, phone calls, and written notices as necessary to ensure timely and effective communication.

  2. Program Updates: Program updates, events, and important notifications will be sent to the email address provided by the Parent to keep them informed.

  3. Open Communication: Parents are encouraged to maintain open communication with the Provider to address any concerns or questions, fostering a collaborative relationship.

  4. Regular Meetings: Regular parent meetings may be scheduled to discuss the Student’s progress and any program updates, ensuring ongoing communication and support.

B. Parent Feedback

  1. Encouragement of Feedback: Parents are encouraged to provide feedback on the program to help improve the quality of services offered, ensuring a positive experience.

  2. Feedback Form: A formal feedback form will be made available to Parents at the end of each term for suggestions and comments to facilitate structured feedback.

  3. Confidential Review: All feedback will be reviewed confidentially and used to enhance the after-school program experience, ensuring continuous improvement.

C. Problem Resolution

  1. Addressing Concerns: Any concerns raised by Parents will be addressed promptly by the Provider to ensure resolution and satisfaction.

  2. Mediation: The Provider may facilitate mediation sessions between staff and Parents if necessary to resolve any issues collaboratively.

  3. Ongoing Support: The Provider will offer ongoing support to Parents to address any concerns and ensure a positive experience for the Student and the family.

VIII. Termination

A. Termination by Parent

  1. Notice Period: Parents may terminate this Contract by providing a [30]-day written notice to the Provider to allow for proper arrangements and transition.

  2. No Refund for Mid-Term Withdrawal: If the Student withdraws from the program mid-term, no refunds will be issued for that term to maintain financial stability.

  3. Non-Refundable Registration Fee: The registration fee is non-refundable regardless of the timing of the termination to cover initial administrative costs.

B. Termination by Provider

  1. Grounds for Termination: The Provider reserves the right to terminate this Contract for reasons including, but not limited to, non-payment of fees, disruptive behavior, or breach of Contract terms.

  2. Prorated Refund: In case of termination by the Provider, a prorated refund of prepaid fees (excluding the registration fee) will be issued to ensure fairness.

  3. Notice of Termination: The Provider will provide a [14]-day notice to the Parent prior to terminating the Student’s enrollment, except in cases requiring immediate action to ensure safety and compliance.

C. Post-Termination Responsibilities

  1. Final Payments: Parents must settle any outstanding fees upon termination of the Contract to ensure financial closure.

  2. Return of Property: Any program materials or property must be returned to the Provider upon termination to ensure accountability.

  3. Transition Support: The Provider may offer support to facilitate the Student’s transition out of the program, ensuring a smooth process.

IX. Liability and Indemnification

A. Liability

  1. Reasonable Precautions: The Provider will take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of the Student during program activities, maintaining high safety standards.

  2. Liability Limitation: The Provider is not liable for any injury or harm that the Student may incur during the program, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct by the Provider to ensure fairness.

  3. Assumption of Risk: The Parent assumes all risk for any injury or damage to personal property that may occur during program hours to acknowledge the inherent risks.

B. Indemnification

  1. Indemnity Agreement: The Parent agrees to indemnify and hold the Provider harmless from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from the Student’s participation in the program, except to the extent caused by the Provider’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.

  2. Coverage of Legal Fees: This indemnification includes reasonable attorney fees and costs arising from any claims related to the Student’s conduct during the program to ensure comprehensive coverage.

  3. Notification of Claims: The Provider will notify the Parent promptly of any claims and cooperate with the Parent in the defense of such claims to ensure transparency and cooperation.

X. Miscellaneous

A. Governing Law

  1. Applicable Law: This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of [State Name] to ensure legal compliance.

  2. Jurisdiction: Any disputes arising under or in connection with this Contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts within the state of [State Name] to ensure proper legal proceedings.

  3. Mediation Requirement: The Parties agree to first attempt to resolve any disputes through mediation before pursuing legal action to encourage amicable resolution.

B. Amendments

  1. Written Agreement: This Contract may be amended only by a written agreement signed by both Parties to ensure mutual consent and documentation.

  2. Limitations on Amendments: Amendments during the program year may be subject to limitations and must comply with current policies to ensure consistency.

  3. Notification of Amendments: The Provider will notify the Parent in writing of any proposed amendments at least [30] days prior to the effective date of such amendments to ensure transparency and preparation.

C. Entire Agreement

  1. Superseding Prior Agreements: This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations, and warranties, both written and oral, to ensure clarity.

  2. Waiver Provision: Any waiver of a provision of this Contract shall be effective only if in writing and signed by the Party against whom the waiver is sought to be enforced to ensure formal acknowledgment.

  3. Severability Clause: If any provision of this Contract is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision will be deemed modified to the extent necessary to be enforceable, and the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect to ensure the Contract’s integrity.

XI. Signatures

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Contract as of the Effective Date.


[Authorized Representative Name]

[Your Company Name]

Date: [Month Day, Year]


[Parent's Name]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

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