Test Case Execution Report

Test Case Execution Report

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Date of Testing: January 10, 2051

I. Introduction

This document provides a detailed report on the test case execution for the web application developed by [Your Company Name]. The objective of this testing effort was to ensure the application meets the specified requirements and functions as expected.

II. Test Objective

The primary objective of this test was to validate the functionality, performance, and security of the web application. This includes ensuring all user interactions, data transactions, and integrations run smoothly under various conditions.

III. Scope

The scope of this testing includes:

  • Functional Testing

  • Performance Testing

  • Security Testing

  • User Interface Testing

IV. Test Approach

The testing approach utilized a combination of manual and automated testing procedures. Test cases were derived from user stories, requirements specifications, and business processes. Tools like Selenium and JMeter were employed to facilitate automated functional and performance testing.

V. Test Environment

The testing was performed in the following environment:

  • Operating System: Windows 1050

  • Browser: Google Chrome v500

  • Database: MySQL v25

  • Web Server: Apache Tomcat 2090

VI. Test Summary

Test Case ID


Execution Date



Login Functionality

January 12, 2051



User Registration

January 13, 2051



Data Upload

January 14, 2051


VII. Defect Summary

Defect ID





Registration form not responsive on mobile




File size limit not enforced during data upload



VIII. Test Results

The majority of the test cases executed successfully, with the following observations:

  • Critical functionalities like login and data upload performed as expected.

  • Few medium and high-severity issues were identified and reported.

IX. Metrics

The following metrics provide insights into the test execution:

  • Total Test Cases Executed: 50

  • Test Cases Passed: 45

  • Test Cases Failed: 5

  • Defects Identified: 10

X. Recommendations

Based on the test results, the following recommendations are made:

  • Address high-severity defects in the registration functionality promptly.

  • Re-test the application post defect resolution.

  • Conduct extra security tests to ensure data protection.

For further details, please contact:

[Your Name] | [Your Email]

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