Free Medical Status Report Template



Free Medical Status Report Template


Prepared by: [Your Name], RN

I. Patient Information

Patient Name:

John Doe

Date of Birth:

January 1, 2000



Patient ID:


Contact Information:

(123) 456-7890

II. Medical Condition Overview

Primary Diagnosis:


Secondary Diagnosis:

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2


Headaches, dizziness, frequent urination

Current Status:


III. Medical History

Past Medical Conditions:

Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis


Appendectomy (2030)

IV. Current Medications

Medication Name




10 mg

Once daily


500 mg

Twice daily

V. Diagnostic Tests

A. Blood Tests

The process of measuring and evaluating blood glucose levels is carried out to keep a close watch on and oversee the effective management and treatment of diabetes. This comprehensive approach ensures that blood sugar levels are appropriately monitored, thereby facilitating the successful administration of therapeutic interventions aimed at maintaining optimal health in individuals affected by this condition.

B. Imaging

To carry out a comprehensive examination aimed at detecting and diagnosing any possible disorders or abnormalities within the pulmonary system, it is necessary to conduct a chest radiograph. This procedure will help in identifying any potential issues within the lungs, thus ensuring that a detailed and accurate assessment of the patient's pulmonary health is achieved.

C. Other Tests

To perform a comprehensive evaluation and thorough assessment of the heart's overall function and performance, it is necessary to conduct an electrocardiogram, often abbreviated as ECG.

VI. Treatment Plan



Lifestyle Modifications

Dietary changes, increased physical activity

Pharmacological Treatment

Continue current medications; adjust dosage as needed


Monthly check-ups for monitoring

VII. Review and Comments

A. Patient's Response

The patient has exhibited a significant improvement in their blood pressure levels, although this improvement is not exceptionally drastic. This positive change has been observed while the patient has been consistently following the currently prescribed medication regimen.

B. Care Team's Evaluation

The care team advises that blood glucose levels and blood pressure should be continuously monitored. They also suggest that there might be a need to make changes to the dosage of medications based on these observations.

C. Next Steps

Please schedule a follow-up appointment to take place one month from now. During this upcoming appointment, we will thoroughly review the results of the blood tests and imaging tests that are currently scheduled. This review is crucial to ensure that there are no further complications and to determine the next appropriate steps for your care.

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