User Acceptance Test Report

User Acceptance Test Report

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Date of Testing: January 1, 2050

I. Introduction

The purpose of this User Acceptance Test (UAT) Report is to provide a summary of the testing activities, results, and overall evaluation. The objectives were to verify that the system meets business and functional requirements, ensure the system is user-ready, and validate that it is suitable for production deployment.

II. Test Objectives

The primary objectives of this UAT were:

  1. To ensure the system performs as expected under various conditions.

  2. To validate that all functional and business requirements have been met.

  3. To identify any defects or issues prior to production deployment.

III. Scope of Testing

The scope of this UAT included:

  • Testing of core functionalities and features.

  • Validation against business requirements and use cases.

  • Ensuring system security and user interface usability.

IV. Test Environment

Testing was conducted in a controlled environment with the following configuration:

  • Operating System: Windows 10

  • Browser: Google Chrome 80.0+

  • Database: MySQL 8.0

V. Test Summary

Test Case ID





Login functionality




Payment gateway integration


Timeout issue

VI. Defect Summary

Defect ID




Assigned To


Payment gateway times out



Development Team

VII. Conclusion

Based on the testing performed, the system is functioning as expected with the exception of a few defects that need to be addressed. Once these issues are resolved, the system can be considered ready for production deployment and is business-compliant.

VIII. Recommendations

It is recommended to:

  • Resolve the identified defects before production deployment.

  • Conduct another round of UAT after defect resolution.

  • Ensure continuous monitoring of system performance post-deployment.

IX. Approval

The following stakeholders have reviewed and approved the UAT results.

  • [Your Name], Project Manager

  • Pen Hill, Business Analyst

  • Nic Baker, IT Manager

X. Contact Information

If there are any questions or concerns related to this UAT report, please contact:

Contact Person: [Your Name], [Your Email]

Company: [Your Company Name]

Website: [Your Company Website]

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