Gym Legal Letter

Gym Legal Letter


[Recipient Name]

[Recipient's Organization Name]

[Recipient Title]

[Recipient Address]

Dear [Recipient Name],

We are writing to address a legal matter regarding the use of our gym's facilities by your organization members.

It has come to our attention that there have been instances where your organization members have been using our gym without valid memberships or guest passes. As you are aware, this is a violation of our gym's policies and also raises concerns regarding liability and safety.

To ensure the safety and well-being of all gym members, it is imperative that all individuals using our facilities have valid memberships or guest passes. We kindly request that you remind your organization members of this policy and take necessary actions to prevent further unauthorized use of our gym.

Please let us know if you require any further information or assistance regarding this matter. You may contact us at [Your Company Email]. We value our relationship with [Recipient Name] and their organization and hope to resolve this issue amicably.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

Gym Manager

[Your Company Name]

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