Free Personal Medical Report Template

Personal Medical Report

I. Overview

This Personal Medical Report provides a comprehensive overview of [Patient's Name]'s medical history, including conditions, allergies, medications, and lifestyle factors. It serves as a useful reference for healthcare providers to ensure continuity of care and informed decision-making regarding John's health management. Adjustments can be made based on ongoing medical evaluations and changes in health status.

II. Personal Information

  • Name: [Patient's Name]

  • Date of Birth: January 10, 2050

  • Address: 456 Maple Ave., San Diego, CA

  • Phone Number: 222 555 7777

III. Medical History

Medical Conditions


Chronic Medications


Medications: None

Lisinopril (10 mg daily)

Seasonal allergies

Foods: Shellfish
Environmental: Pollen

Loratadine (10 mg as needed)

IV. Family Medical History

  • Father: Hypertension

  • Mother: Diabetes

  • Siblings: No significant medical history

V. Lifestyle Factors

  • Non-smoker

  • Moderate alcohol consumption (social occasions only)

  • Regular exercise (3 times a week)

VI. Recent Medical Events

  • Annual physical examination on [Date], Blood pressure 130/80 mmHg, otherwise normal findings

VII. Health Maintenance

  • Annual check-ups with primary care physician

  • Maintain healthy diet and exercise regimen to manage hypertension

  • Avoid exposure to shellfish and pollen triggers; carry antihistamines as needed

Prepared by:

[Your Name]

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