Gym Complaint Email

Gym Complaint Email


[Your Company Email]


[Optional: Another relevant contact]


[Your Email]


Issue with Gym Equipment Safety

Dear [Customer Service Manager's Name],

I am writing to bring to your attention a safety concern that has arisen from my recent experiences at [Your Company Name]. I hope to resolve this issue swiftly to continue enjoying the facilities with peace of mind.

Issue Description: On several occasions, specifically on the last three visits (most recently on June 3rd, 2050, around 7 PM), I found that the cable machines near the back of the gym are not functioning correctly. The wires are frayed, and the pulley system sticks, making the equipment hazardous to operate. This issue not only poses a risk of injury but also limits the availability of working equipment during peak hours.

Impact on Experience: This malfunction has significantly affected my training regime, as my workouts heavily rely on these machines. The fear of potential injury has discouraged me from completing my exercises and has diminished my overall satisfaction and confidence in the safety of the gym environment.

Requested Action: I urge the management to conduct a thorough inspection of all gym equipment, particularly the cable machines, and perform the necessary repairs or replacements to ensure member safety. Additionally, it would be beneficial for staff to be retrained on routine equipment checks to prevent such issues from recurring.

Attached Documentation: I have attached photos and a short video clip that clearly show the frayed wires and the malfunctioning pulley system, which I took during my last visit.

I trust that [Your Company Name] values the safety and satisfaction of its members and will address this issue promptly. I look forward to your response and to a quick resolution so that I may continue to use your facilities with confidence.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Membership ID or Account Number]
[Your Contact Information]

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