Service Inspection Report

Service Inspection Report

I. Report Overview

  • Report Date: May 18, 2050

  • Report ID: SIR-2050-008

  • Inspection Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Inspector: [Your Name]

  • Client Name: EcoTech Manufacturing

  • Client Contact: 222 555 7777

II. Summary

This report documents the comprehensive inspection of the newly installed fire suppression system at EcoTech Manufacturing Facility to ensure compliance with safety regulations and operational reliability.

III. Inspection Summary

The inspection involved a thorough assessment of all fire suppression system components across the facility. This included checking the condition and functionality of fire extinguishers, inspecting sprinkler systems for proper coverage and operation, and testing alarm panels for responsiveness and accuracy in signaling potential incidents. Each area of the facility, including production floors, storage areas, and office spaces, was meticulously examined to ensure that all safety measures were in place and functioning effectively.

IV. Findings and Recommendations



Two fire extinguishers were found with expired inspection tags.

Replace or re-certify the fire extinguishers immediately to ensure they are in compliance with safety standards.

Sprinkler system in the warehouse area showed signs of corrosion on some sprinkler heads.

Schedule replacement of corroded sprinkler heads and conduct thorough inspection of all sprinkler pipes for signs of corrosion.

Alarm panel displayed an error indicating a malfunction in Zone 5.

Engage a qualified technician to diagnose and repair the alarm panel issue promptly to maintain system integrity.

Emergency exit signage in the production area was partially obscured by storage containers.

Ensure all emergency exits are clearly marked and accessible at all times by relocating obstructing items.

V. Compliance Check

The inspection confirmed that the majority of the fire suppression system components met or exceeded safety standards. However, the following issues were identified and require prompt attention to maintain compliance:

  • Two fire extinguishers were found with expired inspection tags, necessitating immediate re-certification or replacement to ensure readiness in case of fire emergencies.

  • Corrosion was observed on several sprinkler heads in the warehouse area, highlighting the need for replacement and ongoing monitoring of sprinkler system integrity.

  • An error in the alarm panel for Zone 5 was noted, indicating a potential malfunction that should be investigated and resolved by a qualified technician promptly.

  • Emergency exit signage in the production area was partially obscured by storage containers, compromising visibility and accessibility during emergencies. It is essential to relocate these containers to ensure clear and unobstructed access to emergency exits.

These findings underscore the importance of regular inspections and proactive maintenance to uphold safety standards and protect personnel and property from fire hazards.

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