Gym Safety Meeting Minutes

Gym Safety Meeting Minutes

Date: [Date]

Time: 10:00 AM

Location: Gym Conference Room


  • Safety Manager

  • Operations Manager

  • Head Trainer

  • Front Desk Staff Representative

1. Opening Remarks

The meeting was called to order by the Safety Manager at 10:00 AM. Attendees introduced themselves, and the purpose of the meeting was stated as reviewing current safety procedures and addressing any safety concerns.

2. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the previous safety meeting held on [Date], were reviewed. All action items were noted as completed except for the scheduled fire drill, which was postponed due to scheduling conflicts. It will be rescheduled for next month.

3. Safety Incident Reports

Recent incidents included a minor slip on the wet floor near the locker rooms, promptly handled by staff with no injury reported. A near miss was also documented involving a malfunctioning treadmill, which has been taken offline for maintenance.

4. Updates on Safety Procedures and Policies

The Safety Manager provided updates on the revised CPR certification requirements for trainers, scheduled for July. Discussion included reminders on proper equipment sanitization protocols and the importance of regular safety audits.

5. Training and Development

Staff training on emergency response procedures was reiterated as a priority, with the next session scheduled for [Date]. Positive feedback was received on the recent first aid training, enhancing staff confidence in handling emergencies.

6. Equipment and Facility Maintenance

Equipment maintenance logs were reviewed, highlighting recent repairs to several cardio machines. Plans for upgrading safety features on older equipment were discussed, pending budget approval for Q3.

7. Member and Staff Feedback

Feedback from members included requests for clearer signage on emergency exits and hygiene protocols. Staff expressed concerns about overcrowding during peak hours and its impact on safety and customer experience.

8. Emergency Preparedness

Emergency evacuation routes were reviewed, with staff reminded of their roles during drills and real emergencies. The Safety Manager emphasized the importance of regular drills to maintain readiness.

9. Action Items

  • Safety Manager to reschedule the postponed fire drill for [Date].

  • Operations Manager to review and update signage for emergency exits and hygiene protocols.

  • Front Desk Staff to compile member feedback on overcrowding and present solutions at the next meeting.

10. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment

The next safety meeting is scheduled for [Date], at 10:00 AM in the same location. Meeting concluded at 11:15 AM with closing remarks from the Safety Manager.

Prepared By: [Safety Manager's Name]

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