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Gym 2 Week Notice

Gym 2 Week Notice

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]

Date: [Date]

[Your Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Resignation Notice - Head Trainer Position

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to formally submit my resignation from my position as Head Trainer at [Your Company Name], effective two weeks from today, [Last Working Day]. This decision has been made after thorough consideration of my career path and personal goals.

Over the years, I have been privileged to work alongside an outstanding team and contribute to a nurturing and productive training environment. The experiences I have gained during my tenure have been invaluable, enriching both my professional skills and personal growth. I am deeply grateful for the opportunities I have had to lead and innovate within our training programs, and for the trust and support extended to me by management and colleagues alike.

As I prepare to transition out of my role, I am committed to ensuring a smooth handover of my responsibilities. I will work diligently over the next two weeks to complete any outstanding tasks and assist in the training and support of whoever will be stepping into the role of Head Trainer. Please let me know of any specific areas where you feel my attention will be most beneficial during this transition period.

While my decision to leave is aligned with my long-term career aspirations, the relationships and experiences I've built at [Your Company Name] will always hold a special place in my heart. I look forward to staying connected and hope that our paths may cross again in the future.

Thank you once again for the opportunity to be a part of this dynamic team. I am eager to embrace the new challenges ahead but will always cherish my time at the gym and the friendships made here.


[Your Name]

[Your Number]

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