Gym Warning Notice

Gym Warning Notice

Subject: Gym Warning Notice - Non-compliance with Safety Protocols

Dear [Member's Name],

I trust that you are doing well when you read this. I am writing to formally address a recent incident that occurred at our gym, which requires your immediate attention and compliance with our safety protocols.

Incident Details

  • Date and Time of Incident: [Date], at approximately 7:00 PM

  • Location: Weightlifting area

  • Description of Incident: You were observed using the bench press equipment without using safety clips, which poses a safety risk to yourself and others using the equipment.

Violation of Gym Rules or Policies

  • Specific Rule or Policy Violated: Gym Rule #7: "Always use safety clips on barbells and machines."

  • Explanation of Violation: Failure to use safety clips violates our safety protocols and could lead to equipment damage or injury to yourself or others.

Consequences of the Violation

  • Immediate Consequences: You are required to attend a safety orientation session with our fitness staff before using the weightlifting equipment again.

  • Potential Further Actions: Continued non-compliance may result in temporary suspension of gym privileges.

Corrective Actions

  • Expectations Moving Forward: Please ensure that safety clips are always used when using gym equipment. Attend the safety orientation session scheduled for [Date], at 5:00 PM.

  • Deadline for Compliance: [Date]

Contact Information

  • Contact Person: [Your Name], [Your Job Title]

  • Contact Information:

    Phone: [Your Number]

    Email: [Your Email]

Please take this notice seriously and comply with the corrective actions outlined above to avoid further consequences. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and your commitment to maintaining a safe environment for all members of [Your Company Name].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

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