Car Rental Project Meeting Minutes

Car Rental Project Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date:


List of Attendees:

[Employee Name], Project Manager

[Employee Name], Marketing Specialist

[Employee Name], Finance Officer

[Employee Name], Operations Manager

[Employee Name], IT Support


  1. Project Updates

  • Review progress on car fleet acquisition.

  • Discuss implementation timeline for new booking system.

  1. Marketing Strategy

  • Finalize promotional campaign details.

  • Allocate budget for digital advertising and local outreach.

  1. Financial Report

  • Present budget allocation for initial phase.

  • Discuss potential cost-saving measures.

  1. Operations Overview

  • Address logistical challenges and solutions.

  • Confirm staffing requirements and training schedule.

  1. IT Infrastructure

  • Update on system integration progress.

  • Address any technical issues or concerns.

Decisions Made:

  • Agreed to proceed with car fleet purchase from [Supplier Name].

  • Approved marketing budget of [$X] for the launch campaign.

  • Scheduled training sessions for operations staff on [Date].

Action Items:

  • [Employee Name] to finalize contracts with car suppliers by [Date].

  • [Employee Name] to draft press release for marketing campaign by [Date].

  • [Employee Name] to review IT system readiness for testing by [Date].

  • [Employee Name] to update financial projections based on the approved budget.

Meeting Adjourned: [Time]

Minutes Prepared By: [Your Name]

Approved By: [Employee Name], Project Manager

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