Car Rental Service Agreement

Car Rental Service Agreement

I. Parties

This Car Rental Service Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the [Month Day, Year] by [Your Company Name] ("Service Provider"), with its principal office located at [Your Company Address], and [Your Partner Company Name]("Renter"), with its principal office located at [Your Partner Company Address], collectively knows as "Parties".

II. Services Provided

The Service Provider undertakes to furnish the following car rental services to the Renter:

  1. Vehicle Provision: The Service Provider will supply rental vehicles based on the Renter's specifications and subject to availability.

  2. Maintenance and Servicing: Regular maintenance and servicing of rental vehicles to ensure their optimal performance and safety standards.

  3. Roadside Assistance: 24/7 roadside assistance for prompt support in case of mechanical issues, ensuring Renter peace of mind throughout the rental period.

  4. Insurance Coverage: Comprehensive insurance coverage for rental vehicles in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Provider's insurance policy, safeguarding against unforeseen damages or liabilities during the rental term.

III. Term of Agreement

This Agreement shall commence on [Month Day, Year] and shall remain in full force and effect until [Month Day, Year], unless terminated earlier as provided herein.

  1. During the term of this Agreement, both Parties shall adhere to its provisions. The Service Provider shall provide the agreed-upon car rental services, including vehicle provision, maintenance, servicing, roadside assistance, and insurance coverage

  2. Either Party may terminate this Agreement prior to the Termination Date under certain conditions, including but not limited to mutual written consent, non-performance of obligations, or breach of terms. Notice of termination must be provided in writing, with fifteen (15) days' notice.

  3. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Parties shall promptly settle any outstanding obligations, return any property or materials belonging to the other Party, and cooperate in transitioning responsibilities to ensure minimal disruption to ongoing services or rental operations.

IV. Payment Terms

In consideration for the services provided under this Agreement, the Renter agrees to pay the Service Provider according to the following terms:

  1. Rental Fees: The Renter shall pay a daily rental fee of two thousand dollars ($2,000) per car rented, calculated from the commencement to the termination date of each rental period.

  2. Service Fees: Any additional services requested by the Renter, beyond standard rental services, shall be billed separately at rates agreed upon in advance by both Parties.

  3. Payment Method: Payments shall be made via cash on a monthly basis. The Service Provider shall issue invoices to the Renter detailing the services provided and the corresponding charges.

  4. Payment Due Date: All payments are due within thirty (30) days from the date of invoice. Late payments may accrue interest at a rate of ten percent (10) per month or the maximum rate permitted by law, whichever is lower.

V. Responsibilities of the Parties

A. Service Provider

  1. Vehicle Condition: The Service Provider shall ensure that all rental cars are maintained in safe, roadworthy condition throughout the rental period.

  2. Insurance Coverage: The Service Provider shall provide comprehensive insurance coverage for all rental cars.

  3. Record Keeping: The Service Provider shall maintain accurate records of all rental transactions and shall provide invoices to the Renter on a regular basis, detailing services rendered and corresponding charges.

  4. Customer Support: The Service Provider shall provide timely customer support and assistance to address any inquiries or issues related to the rental services provided.

B. Renter

  1. Compliance with Laws: The Renter agrees to comply with all applicable traffic regulations and laws while operating the rental vehicle.

  2. Vehicle Return: The Renter shall return the rental cars in the same condition as received, excluding normal wear and tear, by the agreed-upon return date.

  3. Payment Obligations: The Renter agrees to make all payments in accordance with the payment terms. Payments shall be made promptly and in full within thirty (30) days of receiving the invoice from the Service Provider.

  4. Notification of Issues: The Renter shall promptly notify the Service Provider of any issues or damages to the rental car during the rental period and cooperate with the Service Provider in resolving such matters.

VI. Termination

  1. Notice of Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party.

  2. Immediate Termination for Breach: In the event of a material breach of any term of this Agreement by either party, the non-breaching party may terminate this Agreement immediately upon providing written notice to the breaching party.

  3. Effect of Termination: Upon termination of this Agreement, both parties shall promptly settle any outstanding obligations and responsibilities in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

VII. Legal Compliance

  1. Adherence to Laws: Both parties shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances governing the performance of this Agreement.

  2. Responsibility for Compliance: Each party shall bear responsibility for ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations applicable to their respective obligations under this Agreement.

  3. Cooperation and Resolution: The Service Provider and the Renter shall cooperate fully with each other to fulfill their legal obligations and promptly resolve any issues arising from non-compliance with applicable laws or regulations.

VIII. Indemnification

Each party shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other party from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, and expenses arising out of or relating to any breach of this Agreement, the performance of their obligations, or any act of negligence or willful misconduct.

IX. Interpretation

  1. Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect to the fullest extent permitted by law.

  2. Headings: The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation or construction of this Agreement.

X. Governing Law

  1. Applicable Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State], USA, without regard to its conflicts of law principles.

  2. Jurisdiction: Any legal action or proceeding arising under this Agreement shall be brought exclusively in the federal or state courts located in [State]. Each party hereby consents to the personal jurisdiction and venue of such courts.

XI. Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, representations, and understandings. No amendment to this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by both parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

Service Provider:

[Your Name]
[Job Title]
[Your Company Name]
[Month Day, Year]


[Job Title]
[Your Partner Company Name]
[Month Day, Year]

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