Summer Camp Packing List

Summer Camp Packing List

Prepared By: [YOUR NAME]

As you prepare for an exciting summer camp adventure, ensuring you have everything you need is essential for a smooth and enjoyable experience. This comprehensive packing list will help you pack smartly and make the most of your time at camp.

Packing List


  • Comfortable T-shirts and shorts for daily activities

  • Sweater or jacket for cooler evenings around the campfire

  • Pajamas and extra underwear for comfort

  • Swimwear and beach towels for water activities


  • Sturdy sneakers or hiking shoes for outdoor adventures

  • Flip-flops or sandals for showers and trips to the beach or pool


  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss for daily dental care

  • Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash suitable for camping conditions

  • Sunscreen with high SPF and insect repellent to protect from sun and bugs

  • Personal medications in sufficient quantities and a small first-aid kit


  • Sleeping bag appropriate for the season or sheets and blankets

  • Pillow and pillowcase for a comfortable night's sleep


  • Flashlight or headlamp with extra batteries for night time activities

  • Refillable water bottle and a sturdy backpack for hikes and outings

  • Books, games, or a journal for downtime between activities

  • Camera or smartphone to capture unforgettable moments

Optional Items:

  • Hat, sunglasses, and raincoat for varying weather conditions

  • Musical instruments or hobby supplies for leisure time

  • Snacks (check camp rules for food policies)

Important Documents:

  • Identification (such as a student ID) and health insurance card

  • Emergency contact information for quick access in case of need

Notes and Reminders:

  • Double-check the camp's specific packing guidelines and adjust your list accordingly.

  • Label all personal items with [YOUR NAME] to avoid mix-ups.

  • Pack clothes suitable for various weather conditions, including warm days and cool nights.

  • Review and update the list based on individual needs and planned camp activities.

Have an amazing time at camp, make new friends, and create lasting memories!

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