Cleaning Services Price List

Cleaning Services Price List

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Welcome to [Your Company Name], where cleanliness meets convenience. We are committed to providing professional cleaning services tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you require regular maintenance cleaning or specialized deep cleaning, our team is here to ensure your space is spotless and pristine.

Service Type


Price ($)

Regular Cleaning

Weekly or bi-weekly cleaning of common areas, bathrooms, kitchen, and floors.

Starting at $100 per visit

Deep Cleaning

Thorough cleaning of all surfaces, appliances, windows, and hard-to-reach areas.

Starting at $150 per visit

Move-in/Move-out Cleaning

Comprehensive cleaning service for empty spaces before moving in or after moving out.

Starting at $200 per visit

Office Cleaning

Cleaning of office spaces including desks, floors, bathrooms, and common areas.

Starting at $80 per visit

Post-Construction Cleaning

Cleanup of dust, debris, and residue left from construction or renovation projects.

Starting at $250 per visit

Specialized Floor Care

Stripping, waxing, and polishing of floors to maintain shine and durability.

Starting at $150 per visit

Window Cleaning

Interior and exterior window cleaning including frames and sills.

Starting at $100 per visit

Detailed Description:

  • Regular Cleaning: Scheduled cleaning service to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in residential or commercial spaces on a recurring basis.

  • Deep Cleaning: Intensive cleaning service that targets dirt, grime, and buildup in all areas of your home or office for a thorough clean.

  • Move-in/Move-out Cleaning: Complete cleaning service designed for vacant properties to ensure they are move-in ready or prepared for the next occupants.

  • Office Cleaning: Tailored cleaning service for office environments to create a clean and productive workspace for employees and clients.

  • Post-Construction Cleaning: Specialized service to remove construction dust and debris, preparing the space for immediate use.

  • Specialized Floor Care: Floor maintenance service including stripping, waxing, and polishing to enhance the appearance and longevity of your floors.

  • Window Cleaning: Professional cleaning of windows inside and out to maintain clear views and enhance the overall appearance of your property.

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