Wedding Photography Shot List

Wedding Photography Shot List

Prepared by: [Your Name]

I. Pre-Ceremony

The Pre-Ceremony phase includes capturing moments of the bride and groom getting ready, interactions with their family and friends, and detailed shots of wedding attire and accessories.


Bride getting ready

Groom getting ready

Close-ups of wedding attire

Candid moments with family and friends

II. Ceremony

The ceremony includes the formal proceedings where the couple exchanges vows and rings, as well as the first kiss and general views of the venue and guests.



Exchange of vows

Ring exchange

First kiss

Wide shots of the venue

III. Group Shots

Group shots are posed photos of the newlyweds with their family members, bridal party, and friends, ensuring all important people are documented.


Couple with family

Couple with bridal party

Couple with friends

IV. Reception

The reception captures the celebration after the ceremony, including the first dance, cake cutting, speeches, and candid moments of guests enjoying the event.


First dance

Cake cutting


Candid shots of guests celebrating

V. Detail Shots

Detail shots are close-up photos of significant wedding details such as rings, bouquets, decorations, and other elements that add to the overall aesthetic of the wedding.


Wedding rings



Other significant details

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