Free Radio Price List Template



Free Radio Price List Template

Radio Price List

Radio remains relevant for business today due to its wide reach and ability to target specific demographics effectively. Radio advertising is cost-effective compared to television and offers flexibility in terms of ad length and frequency, enabling businesses to tailor campaigns to their budget and marketing goals. And with the integration of digital platforms, radio advertising can now be complemented with online and social media strategies.

With [Your Company Name], your message reaches the airwaves with impact. Our radio advertising services are designed to maximize your reach and engagement, ensuring your brand stands out in the crowded media landscape.

Price List




30-Second Ad Spot

Standard advertising spot


60-Second Ad Spot

Extended advertising slot


Sponsored Segment

Segment sponsorship


Peak Hour Surcharge

Additional cost during peak hours


Prime Time Surcharge

Additional cost during prime time


Why Radio?

✅ Wide Reach

✅ Targeted Advertising

✅ Cost-Effective

✅ Flexible Ad Formats

Email [Your Company Email] today to inquire and reserve your slot!

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