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School Project Task List

School Project Task List

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Project Title:

Design and Build a Solar-Powered Car

Project Team:

Team Leader: [Your Name]

Team Members: [Your Name], John Doe, Jane Smith

Project Overview:

Design and construct a solar-powered car model that demonstrates renewable energy principles.


1. Research Phase

  • Conduct research on solar energy.

  • Review existing solar-powered vehicle designs.

2. Design Phase

  • Create initial car design sketches.

  • Determine materials and components needed.

3. Construction Phase

  • Build chassis and assemble basic structure.

  • Integrate solar panels and wiring.

4. Testing Phase

  • Conduct initial tests for functionality and efficiency.

  • Collect data on energy generation and car performance.

5. Documentation and Presentation

  • Prepare project report and documentation.

  • Create a presentation for the school exhibition.

6. Final Presentation

  • Demonstrate the solar-powered car.

  • Present findings and project outcomes.

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