Office Contact List

Office Contact List

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Company: [Your Company Name]


This list serves as a comprehensive directory of our trusted external suppliers, providing essential contact details for efficient management of office supplies and IT services. These partnerships ensure seamless operations and timely support across our organizational needs.

Supplier Contact for Office Supplies

Supplier Name

Office Solutions Ltd.

Contact Person

John Smith

Phone Number


Email Address

[email protected]

Company Address

123 Main Street, Anytown, USA

Products/Services Provided

Office stationery and supplies

Additional Notes

Preferred contact: 9 AM - 5 PM EST.

Supplier Contact for IT Services

Supplier Name

Tech Solutions Inc.

Contact Person

Sarah Johnson

Phone Number


Email Address

[email protected]

Company Address

456 Tech Boulevard, Tech City, USA

Products/Services Provided

IT support and maintenance services

Additional Notes

After-hours emergency IT contact available.

Supplier Contact for Maintenance Services

Supplier Name

Maintenance Solutions LLC

Contact Person

Michael Brown

Phone Number


Email Address

[email protected]

Company Address

789 Maintenance Avenue, Serviceville, USA

Products/Services Provided

Building maintenance and repair

Additional Notes

Handles routine maintenance and emergency repairs.

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