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Car Rental Breach Notice

Car Rental Breach Notice


To [Your Client Name]:

This notice serves to formally notify you, [Your Client Name], of your breach of rental agreement terms as outlined in our contract. The specific instances where there has been a violation of the rental contract include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Late return of the vehicle

  • Unauthorized modifications to the vehicle

  • Failure to adhere to insurance requirements

As a result of these breaches, you may face potential consequences such as financial penalties or legal action if the issues are not rectified promptly. We urge you to address these violations immediately in order to avoid further escalation.

You are granted a timeline of [number] days from the receipt of this notice to respond or rectify the breaches identified. Failure to do so will compel us to take necessary actions to protect our interests.

We aim to ensure compliance with our rental policies while maintaining transparency with you, [Your Client Name]. We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

By: [Your Name]
[Your Company Name]

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