Shipping Documents Fax Cover Letter

Shipping Documents Fax Cover Letter

Jane Smith
Shipping Department
Global Freight Solutions
456 Elm Street
Other towns, NY 54321

Date: July 8, 2054
Number of Pages: 3

Confidentiality Statement: This fax contains confidential shipping information intended solely for the use of the recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and delete the fax from your system. This statement emphasizes the confidential nature of the information being transmitted and ensures that the recipient understands their responsibility in handling it securely.

Fax Contents: Shipping Documents. This section identifies what the fax includes, which are shipping documents related to the specified order. It helps the recipient quickly understand the purpose of the fax and the type of documents they are receiving.

Fax Purpose: Transmitting shipping documents for order #123456. Here, you specify the reason for sending the fax, which is to transmit shipping documents associated with order number #123456. This provides context to the recipient about why they are receiving these documents and ensures clarity in communication.

Relevant Notes: Please confirm receipt upon delivery. This note serves as an instruction to the recipient, requesting them to acknowledge receipt of the faxed documents once they have been delivered. It helps in ensuring that the documents are received and can be processed promptly.


[Your Name]

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