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Garden Chore List

Garden Chore List

Prepared by: [Your Name]


Maintaining a garden requires regular care and attention to keep it healthy and thriving. Below are essential chores to ensure your garden remains beautiful throughout the seasons:

Vegetable and Flower Beds

Chore Assignment


Plant seeds or transplants according to seasonal schedule

Water beds deeply as needed, especially during dry spells

Weed beds regularly to prevent competition for nutrients

Fertilize plants as recommended for optimal growth

Mulch beds to retain moisture and suppress weeds

Harvest vegetables and flowers at peak ripeness

Prune plants to promote healthy growth and flowering


Chore Assignment


Mow lawn regularly at appropriate height

Water lawn deeply and infrequently, early morning or late evening

Remove thatch buildup as needed

Apply lawn fertilizer as recommended for seasonal needs

Repair bare spots with seed or sod as necessary

Trees and Shrubs

Chore Assignment


Prune trees and shrubs to maintain shape and health

Remove dead or diseased branches for overall plant health

Mulch trees and shrubs to retain moisture and control temperature

Monitor for pests and diseases; treat as necessary

Fertilize trees and shrubs according to their specific needs

General Garden Maintenance

Chore Assignment


Clean and sharpen garden tools regularly

Maintain garden structures such as trellises and supports

Clean and repair garden fences and pathways

Rotate crops in vegetable beds to improve soil fertility

Plan and plant seasonal displays for ongoing color and interest

Compost garden waste to enrich soil

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