Internship Application Fax Cover Letter

Internship Application Fax Cover Letter

June 10, 2051

To: Hiring Manager

GLC Company

789 Elm Street Othertown, NY 54321

Re: Internship Application

Fax Number: 73528-9863

Dear Hiring Manager,

Please find attached my internship application documents consisting of 7 pages, including my resume and cover letter. I am eager to apply for the Marketing Internship position at your esteemed company and believe that my skills in digital marketing strategies and content creation make me a strong candidate.

Attached Details:

  • Cover Letter

  • Resume

  • Transcript

  • Letters of Recommendation

  • Portfolio (if applicable)

  • Application Form (if provided

  • Additional Documents

Thank you for considering my application. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and can be reached at the phone number or email address provided above.


[Your Name]
[Your Email]

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