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Agriculture Staff Termination Notice

Agriculture Staff Termination Notice

To: [Employee's Name]

From: [Your Name], Human Resources Manager

Date: [Current Date]

Subject: Termination of Employment

Dear [Employee's Name],

After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that your employment with [Your Company Name] is terminated, effective [Termination Date].

This decision has been made due to repeated violations of company policy. We have previously discussed these issues with you on [list previous dates], and despite our efforts to support improvement, we have not seen the necessary changes. Please take note of the following important information regarding your termination:

  1. Final Paycheck

You will receive your final paycheck, including any remaining salary, accrued vacation, and any other owed benefits, on [Date]. This will be sent to your home address on file or deposited directly into your bank account, as per your usual payroll method.

  1. Return of Company Property

All company property, including tools, equipment, uniforms, and ID badge, must be returned to your supervisor or the HR department by [Date]. Failure to return these items may result in deductions from your final paycheck.

  1. Benefits and COBRA

Your health insurance and other benefits will continue through [End Date]. You will receive information about your rights to continue health insurance coverage under COBRA separately.

  1. Exit Interview

We would appreciate your participation in an exit interview to discuss your experience with [Your Company Name] and gather feedback. Please contact HR to schedule a convenient time before your departure.

We understand that this news may be difficult, and we are committed to providing support during this transition. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the HR department at [Your Company Email].

We appreciate the contributions you have made during your time with [Your Company Name] and wish you the best in your future endeavors.


[Your Name]

Human Resources Manager

[Your Company Name]

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