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School District Board Agenda

School District Board Agenda

Date: July 16, 2050
Time: 9:00 AM
Location: Virtual Meeting

Prepared by: [Your Name]


Welcome to the School District Board meeting for July 2050. This agenda outlines the items to be discussed and decisions to be made regarding urgent or time-sensitive issues affecting our district.


1. Call to Order

  • Roll call and verification of quorum.

  • Approval of the agenda.

2. Approval of Minutes

  • Approval of June 30, 2050, board meeting minutes.

3. Public Comments

  • Opportunity for members of the public to address the board on agenda items.

4. Discussion Items

a. COVID-19 Response Plan Update

  • Superintendent's update on district's COVID-19 response plan.

  • Discuss updates based on latest public health guidelines.

b. Budget Amendment Proposal

  • Presentation by the Chief Financial Officer on the proposed budget amendments.

  • Decision on amendments for unforeseen expenses.

c. Technology Infrastructure Upgrade

  • Tech Director's report on urgent district-wide tech upgrades and cost estimates.

  • Discussion on funding options and timelines for implementation.

d. Emergency Preparedness Protocol

  • Safety and Security Coordinator's update on emergency preparedness protocol.

  • Discussion on ensuring readiness and response capabilities.

5. Action Items

a. Resolution on Staffing Adjustments

  • Proposal for temporary staffing adjustments due to increased enrollment.

  • Motion to approve or reject the resolution.

b. Approval of Vendor Contract

  • Contract with EduTech Solutions for educational software.

  • Vote on approving the contract terms and conditions.

6. Reports

a. Superintendent's Report

  • Overview of recent district achievements and challenges.

  • Update on key educational initiatives.

b. Committee Reports

  • Reports from various board committees (Finance, Curriculum, Facilities, etc.).

7. Future Agenda Items

  • Board members may suggest topics for future meetings.

8. Adjournment

  • Next meeting date: August 1, 2050.

  • Concluding remarks.

For any questions or additional information, please contact [Your Name] at [Your Email] or [Your Company Number]. Stay updated with [Your Company Name] on our website at [Your Company Website] and social media channels: [Your Company Social Media].

This agenda is prepared to ensure effective deliberation and decision-making on critical matters affecting our school district. Thank you for your attention and participation.

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