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First of Day School Agenda

First of Day School Agenda

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Institution: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

I. Welcome and Introductions

Time: 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

  • Principal's Welcome Speech

    • Overview of the school's mission and vision

    • Introduction of key staff members

  • Teacher Introductions

    • Introduction to homeroom teachers and their backgrounds

  • Student Introductions

    • Ice-breaker activities to help students get to know each other

II. Orientation and School Tour

Time: 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

  • School Policies and Procedures

    • Overview of school rules, dress code, and expectations

  • Safety Procedures

    • Fire drill and emergency evacuation plans

  • Campus Tour

    • Visit key areas: classrooms, library, cafeteria, gymnasium, and playground

III. Classroom Expectations and Schedules

Time: 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

  • Classroom Rules and Expectations

    • Behavior guidelines and reward systems

  • Daily Schedule Overview

    • Explanation of the daily and weekly timetable

  • Important Dates and Events

    • Highlight of the upcoming events and holidays

IV. Break Time

Time: 10:00 AM - 10:20 AM

  • Healthy Snack Time

    • Encouragement of healthy eating habits

  • Socializing and Relaxation

    • Time for students to mingle and relax

V. Academic Assessments and Learning Goals

Time: 10:20 AM - 11:20 AM

  • Initial Assessments

    • Reading and math baseline assessments

  • Learning Goals for the Year

    • Overview of academic goals and objectives

  • Introduction to the Curriculum

    • Brief on subjects and key topics for the year

VI. Lunch Break

Time: 11:20 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Lunchtime Procedures

    • Explanation of lunch routines and etiquette

  • Healthy Eating Habits

    • Encouragement to make healthy food choices

VII. Afternoon Activities

Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

  • Team Building Exercises

    • Group activities to build teamwork and collaboration

  • Creative Projects

    • Introduction to art, music, and other creative activities

VIII. Closing and Homework Assignments

Time: 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

  • Summary of the Day

    • Recap of key points and activities

  • Homework and Parent Information

    • Distribution of homework and information packets for parents

  • Q&A Session

    • Time for students to ask questions and clarify doubts

Orientation and School Tour Schedule




Responsible Staff


8:30 AM

School Policies and Procedures




8:45 AM

Safety Procedures


Safety Officer


9:00 AM

Campus Tour

Entire Campus

Homeroom Teachers

Students in groups

Afternoon Activities Schedule




Responsible Staff


12:00 PM

Team Building Exercises


PE Teachers

Wear comfortable clothing

12:45 PM

Creative Projects

Art Room

Art Teachers

Materials provided

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