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Safety Board Meeting Agenda

Safety Board Meeting Agenda

Date: July 15, 2050

Time: 9:00 AM

Location: Conference Room A, Main Office


  1. Opening and Welcome

    • Introduction by John Smith, Chairperson

    • Confirmation of attendance and quorum

  2. Review of Previous Minutes

    • Review and approval of minutes from June 2025 meeting

  3. Safety Performance Review

    • Presentation on safety performance metrics and statistics since June 2025

      • Decrease in accident rate by 15% compared to last quarter

      • Increase in near-miss reporting by 20%

    • Discussion on trends and areas for improvement

  4. Incident Reports

    • Review of incidents, near-misses, and safety concerns reported since June 2025

      • One minor injury incident in the warehouse due to equipment malfunction

      • Two near-miss incidents reported in the production area

    • Analysis of root causes and discussion on corrective actions taken

  5. Policy and Procedure Updates

    • Update on changes to the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) policy

      • New requirements for gloves in hazardous areas

    • Discussion on implementation and employee compliance

  6. Training and Education

    • Overview of ongoing safety training programs

      • Scheduled monthly fire safety drills for all departments

      • Upcoming CPR and First Aid training sessions in August

    • Feedback and suggestions for improving training effectiveness

  7. Regulatory Updates

    • Briefing on new OSHA regulations affecting manufacturing operations

      • Deadline for compliance with new machine guarding standards extended to December 2050

    • Discussion on compliance strategies and deadlines

  8. Open Discussion

    • Opportunity for members to raise additional safety concerns or topics for discussion

  9. Action Items and Responsibilities

    • Assignment of tasks and responsibilities to address discussed issues

      • John Smith to follow up with maintenance regarding equipment inspection schedules

      • Safety committee to draft new emergency response procedures

    • Setting deadlines and follow-up procedures

  10. Next Meeting Date

    • Confirmation of date and time for the next safety board meeting: August 12, 2050

  11. Closing Remarks

    • Final comments and adjournment by John Smith

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