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Community School Board Agenda

Community School Board Agenda

Date: July 16, 2050
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Maplewood Community Center, Room 201

Purpose of the Meeting:

The purpose of this board meeting is to facilitate informed decision-making and collaboration among board members, school administrators, and community stakeholders. Through structured discussions and reports, the meeting seeks to enhance educational opportunities and support for students while fostering community engagement and accountability.


Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by Chairperson, Ms. Rachel Thompson, at 6:00 PM.

Roll Call

  • Board members present:

    • Ms. Rachel Thompson

    • Mr. James Rodriguez

    • Ms. Emily Foster

    • Mr. Michael Patel

    • Ms. Jessica Wong

Approval of Agenda

  • Motion to approve the agenda as presented. (Motion: Mr. James Rodriguez, Second: Ms. Emily Foster)

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

  • Review and approval of the minutes from the June 18, 2050, meeting. (Motion: Ms. Jessica Wong, Second: Mr. Michael Patel)

Public Comment Period

  • Opportunity for community members to address the board on non-agenda items. (Time limit: 15 minutes)

Principal's Report

  • Presentation by Principal Ms. Sarah Johnson on school achievements and upcoming events.

Financial Report

  • Presentation by Treasurer Mr. David Lee on current budget status and expenditures.

Old Business

  • Discussion on progress of last month's action items:

    • Update on renovation plans for the school gym (Presenter: Mr. Michael Patel)

    • Review of curriculum updates for the next academic year (Presenter: Ms. Emily Foster)

New Business

  • Proposal for additional after-school enrichment programs (Presenter: Ms. Jessica Wong)

  • Discussion on community outreach initiatives (Presenter: Ms. Rachel Thompson)


  • Upcoming community event: Back-to-School Fair on August 25, 2050.


  • Next meeting date and time: August 20, 2050, at 6:00 PM.

  • Motion to adjourn the meeting. (Motion: Ms. Emily Foster, Second: Mr. James Rodriguez)

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Contact: [Your Email]

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