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School Revised Board Agenda

School Revised Board Agenda

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Meeting Date: January 15, 2050
Meeting Time: 6:00 PM
Meeting Location: Auditorium, [Your Company Name]


1. Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by Chairperson Alex Johnson at 6:00 PM.

2. Roll Call

  • Secretary Maria Lopez conducts roll call.

    • Alex Johnson, Chairperson

    • Emily Clark, Vice Chairperson

    • James Smith, Board Member

    • Olivia Brown, Board Member

    • Dr. Michael Green, Superintendent

    • Maria Lopez, Secretary

3. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

  • Review and approval of minutes from the December 15, 2049, meeting.

  • Motion to approve by Emily Clark.

  • Seconded by James Smith.

  • Vote: Approved unanimously.

4. Public Comments

  • Sunnyvale School District welcomes comments from the public. Please limit comments to 3 minutes.

    • John Doe: Concerns about the new bus schedule.

    • Jane Smith: Suggestions for improving school lunches.

5. Reports

  • Superintendent's Report: Dr. Michael Green

    • Updates on district-wide initiatives and programs, including the new STEM curriculum rollout.

  • Finance Committee Report: Emily Clark

    • Overview of current budget status and upcoming financial needs, highlighting the need for new classroom resources.

  • Facilities Committee Report: Olivia Brown

    • Update on ongoing construction and maintenance projects, including the new gymnasium.

6. Old Business

  • Policy Revision Approval: Policy 204 – Student Attendance

    • Discussion and final vote on the revised policy to improve attendance tracking.

    • Motion to approve by Olivia Brown.

    • Seconded by James Smith.

    • Vote: Approved unanimously.

7. New Business

  • Introduction of New Curriculum: Advanced Robotics Program

    • Presentation by Curriculum Coordinator Sarah Thompson.

    • Discussion and preliminary feedback from board members and the public.

  • Technology Upgrade Proposal: Digital Classroom Initiative

    • Overview by Technology Director John Miller.

    • Discussion and questions from board members regarding implementation and cost.

8. Action Items

  • Approval of New Curriculum: Advanced Robotics Program

    • Motion to approve by Emily Clark.

    • Seconded by James Smith.

    • Vote: Approved unanimously.

  • Technology Upgrade Funding: Digital Classroom Initiative

    • Motion to approve funding by Olivia Brown.

    • Seconded by Alex Johnson.

    • Vote: Approved unanimously.

9. Information Items

  • Upcoming Events:

    • Science Fair on February 10, 2050, at Sunnyvale High School.

    • Parent-Teacher Conferences on March 1-2, 2050.

  • Staff Recognition:

    • Recognition of Ms. Linda Carter for 25 years of dedicated service to Sunnyvale School District.

10. Adjournment

  • Motion to adjourn by James Smith.

  • Seconded by Emily Clark.

  • Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.

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