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Nursing School Orientation Agenda

Nursing School Orientation Agenda

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Date: August 20, 2050

Location: [Your Company Address]


Agenda: Welcome and Introduction

Time: 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM


Welcome Remarks by the Dean: Dr. Sarah Johnson

Welcome message and introduction to the nursing school.

Brief history and mission of the school.

Introduction to the Orientation Committee: Chair: Professor Emily Smith

Overview of the committee's role and members.

Overview of the Day's Schedule: Provided by Orientation Leader Alex Brown

Agenda: Overview of the Program

Time: 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM


Program Introduction: Dr. John Miller, Program Coordinator

Detailed explanation of the nursing program structure.

Highlighting key courses and clinical rotations.

Curriculum and Learning Outcomes: Professor Laura White

Discussion on core competencies and expected learning outcomes.

Explanation of assessment methods and grading criteria.

Agenda: Campus Tour

Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Guided Tour of Classrooms and Labs: Tour Guide Maria Gonzalez

Visit to state-of-the-art classrooms and lecture halls.

Overview of laboratory facilities and equipment.

Visit to the Library and Study Areas: Library Staff Member Jessica Lee

Introduction to library resources and study rooms.

Demonstration of online catalog and research tools.

Introduction to Simulation Labs and Clinical Facilities: Lab Coordinator Michael Green

Hands-on tour of simulation labs.

Explanation of clinical practice areas and patient care simulators.

Agenda: Meet the Faculty

Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Faculty Introductions and Roles: Led by Professor David Harris

Introduction to key faculty members and their specializations.

Short presentations from faculty on their research interests and teaching methods.

Open Discussion with Faculty Members

Opportunity for students to ask questions and engage with faculty.

Agenda: Q&A Session


Interactive session to address student queries.

Agenda: Lunch Break

Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Lunch Provided in the Campus Cafeteria

Assorted sandwiches, salads, and beverages.

Networking opportunity with fellow students and faculty

Agenda: Student Services

Time: 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM


Overview of Student Services: Student Affairs Officer Linda Baker

Introduction to counseling, academic support, and career services.

Counseling and Academic Support: Counselor James Wilson

Explanation of available mental health and academic counseling services.

Health Services and Wellness Programs: Health Services Coordinator Patricia Young

Overview of on-campus health services and wellness initiatives.

Agenda: Policies and Procedures

Time: 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM


Attendance and Grading Policies: Academic Advisor Karen Thompson

Detailed explanation of attendance requirements and grading system.

Clinical Requirements and Expectations: Clinical Coordinator Robert Lewis

Guidelines for clinical placements and professional behavior in clinical settings.

Code of Conduct and Professionalism: Dean Dr. Sarah Johnson

Discussion on expected professional conduct and ethical standards.

Agenda: Technology Orientation

Time: 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM


Introduction to Online Platforms: IT Support Specialist Alan Roberts

Demonstration of the school's online learning management system.

Accessing Course Materials and Resources: LMS Coordinator Nancy Cooper

Instructions on how to access and navigate course materials online.

Tech Support and Troubleshooting: IT Help Desk Contact: 222-7022

Agenda: Health and Safety

Time: 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM


Health and Safety Protocols: Health and Safety Officer Karen Mitchell

Overview of campus health and safety protocols.

Immunization and Health Records Requirements: Nursing School Clinic Contact: 222-0044

Information on required immunizations and health records.

Emergency Procedures and Contacts: Emergency Contact Info: 222-1002

Agenda: Student Organizations

Time: 3:00 PM - 4:00M


Introduction to Student Organizations: Student Organization Leader Rebecca Davis

Overview of student organizations and clubs.

Extracurricular Opportunities and Events: Event Coordinator Mark Edwards

Information on upcoming events and how to get involved.

How to Get Involved and Join: Membership Coordinator

Agenda: Closing Remarks

Time: 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM


Final Comments from the Dean: Dr. Sarah Johnson

Encouragement and motivational speech for incoming students.

Encouragement and Motivational Speech: Guest Speaker Dr. William King

Inspirational talk from an experienced nurse and educator.

Next Steps and Important Dates: Orientation Leader Alex Brown

Information on upcoming deadlines and important dates.

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