Free Car Wash Scratch Tracker Sample Template
Car Wash Scratch Tracker Sample
This form is designed to accurately document any scratches identified on vehicles before and after the car wash process at [Your Company Name]. It serves to ensure transparency with our customers and maintain the integrity of our service. Please complete this form diligently for each vehicle processed.
Vehicle Owner's Name: |
Contact Information: |
Vehicle Make and Model: |
Vehicle Registration Number: |
Date of Service: |
Time of Service: |
Vehicle Scratch Details
Before Car Wash
Location of Scratch |
Length (approx. in inches) |
Severity (Light, Moderate, Severe) |
Noted by (Employee Name) |
(Please attach photos if possible)
After Car Wash
Location of Scratch |
Length (approx. in inches) |
Severity (Light, Moderate, Severe) |
Noted by (Employee Name) |
(Please attach photos if possible)
Employee Declaration
I, [Employee Name], certify that the information provided in this form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge and that I have inspected the vehicle thoroughly before and after the service.
Employee Signature:
Customer Acknowledgment
I, [Customer Name], acknowledge that I have reviewed the information recorded in this form and agree with the findings reported. I understand that any discrepancies noted have been discussed and acknowledged.
Customer Signature:
For any discrepancies or concerns, please contact:
[Your Company Name]
[Your Company Address]
[Your Company Email]
[Your Company Number]
[Your Company Website]