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Field Main Issue Log

Field Main Issue Log

The Field Main Issue Log is a professional tool for documenting and managing significant field issues that impact project execution. It ensures effective tracking, resolution, and communication of critical issues, while assigning responsibility and assessing their impact on project success. This log helps maintain project integrity by systematically addressing and resolving major concerns.

Log Table


Issue Description


Responsible Party

Resolution Date

Site A

Equipment malfunction causing delays

Project delay

John Doe


Site B

Safety compliance issue

Potential risk to workers

Jane Smith


Site C

Material shortage affecting progress

Project slowdown

Michael Lee


Site D

Design flaw in recent blueprint

Minor adjustment required

Laura Brown


Site E

Inadequate site drainage

Risk of water damage

Rachel Adams



  • Regular Updates: Update the log regularly to reflect the latest status of each issue.

  • Detail Accuracy: Ensure descriptions are clear and precise for effective resolution.

  • Responsibility: Assign issues to relevant individuals or teams for prompt action.

  • Review Meetings: Discuss the log in review meetings to address and resolve issues.

  • Documentation: Keep detailed records of resolutions for future reference and learning.

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Date: [DATE]

Log Templates @