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Visitor Log Book

Visitor Log Book

Prepared by: Gayathari ch

Date: [DATE]

The Visitor Log Book is designed to record and track visitor information for security and operational purposes. It ensures that each visitor's entry is documented, including their name, contact details, and reason for the visit. This log helps in monitoring visitor activity and managing access to facilities. It also provides a reference for any follow-up needed and aids in maintaining a secure environment.


Visitor Name

Time In/Out

Contact Information

Purpose of Visit


John Smith

09:00 AM / 10:30 AM

[email protected]

HR Policy Review


Jane Doe

11:00 AM / 01:00 PM

[email protected]

Employee Orientation


Michael Brown

02:00 PM / 03:15 PM

[email protected]

IT Support Consultation


Emily Johnson

03:30 PM / 04:00 PM

[email protected]

Project Planning Meeting


  • Enter Visitor Details: Record the date, visitor name, and contact information accurately.

  • Log Time In/Out: Note the time the visitor arrives and departs in the "Time In/Out" column.

  • Specify Purpose: Clearly state the reason for the visit in the "Purpose of Visit" field.

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