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Professional Church Parental Consent Agreement

Professional Church Parental Consent Agreement

I. Introduction

A. Purpose

The purpose of this agreement is to obtain informed consent from the parents or legal guardians of minors participating in church activities and programs. It is intended to ensure that all parties are fully aware of and agree to the terms, conditions, and potential risks associated with their child’s participation.

B. Scope

This agreement covers all activities organized by the church, including but not limited to youth group meetings, retreats, field trips, and other events or programs.

II. Definitions

A. Church

For the purposes of this agreement, “Church” refers to [Your Company Name], including its affiliated ministries, staff, and volunteers.

B. Minor

A “Minor” refers to an individual under the age of 18 who is participating in church activities or programs.

C. Parent/Guardian

The term “Parent/Guardian” refers to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the minor who is providing consent through this agreement.

III. Consent to Participate

A. Activities and Programs

By signing this agreement, the Parent/Guardian gives permission for the minor to participate in all activities and programs organized by the Church, as outlined in the program descriptions provided by the Church.

B. Risks and Responsibilities

The Parent/Guardian acknowledges and understands that participation in Church activities may involve certain risks, including but not limited to physical injury, emotional distress, or loss of property. The Church will take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of all participants, but cannot guarantee against all potential risks.

C. Emergency Medical Treatment

The Parent/Guardian consents to the Church obtaining emergency medical treatment for the minor if necessary. This includes, but is not limited to, emergency first aid, transportation to a medical facility, and treatment by medical professionals.

IV. Health and Medical Information

A. Disclosure of Health Conditions

The Parent/Guardian agrees to provide accurate and complete information regarding any known health conditions, allergies, or other medical concerns that may affect the minor’s participation in Church activities.

B. Medication

The Parent/Guardian is responsible for ensuring that the minor takes any prescribed medication as needed. If the minor requires medication during Church activities, the Parent/Guardian must provide written instructions and ensure that medication is administered in accordance with those instructions.

V. Code of Conduct

A. Behavioral Expectations

The Parent/Guardian agrees to ensure that the minor adheres to the Church’s code of conduct and behavioral expectations. This includes respectful and appropriate behavior towards others, adherence to activity guidelines, and following instructions from Church staff and volunteers.

B. Disciplinary Actions

The Church reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary actions if the minor does not adhere to the code of conduct. Disciplinary actions may include removal from activities or programs, and the Parent/Guardian will be notified of any such actions.

VI. Liability and Waiver

A. Release of Liability

The Parent/Guardian agrees to release and hold harmless the Church, its staff, volunteers, and affiliates from any and all liability for any claims, damages, or losses arising from the minor’s participation in Church activities, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct.

B. Waiver of Claims

The Parent/Guardian waives any and all claims against the Church related to the minor’s participation in activities, including claims for personal injury, property damage, or any other damages.

VII. Media Consent

A. Use of Likeness

The Parent/Guardian grants permission for the Church to use photographs, video recordings, or other media featuring the minor for promotional or educational purposes. This includes use on the Church’s website, social media, and other communication channels.

B. Opt-Out

If the Parent/Guardian does not wish for the minor’s likeness to be used in media, they must provide written notice to the Church.

VIII. Confidentiality

A. Privacy

The Church agrees to keep all personal information provided by the Parent/Guardian confidential and will use it solely for the purposes of managing the minor’s participation in Church activities.

B. Disclosure

Information may be disclosed if required by law or if necessary for the protection of the minor’s health and safety.

IX. Term and Termination

A. Term

This agreement is valid for the duration of the minor’s participation in Church activities unless terminated earlier by either party.

B. Termination

Either the Parent/Guardian or the Church may terminate this agreement at any time with written notice. In the event of termination, the minor will no longer be permitted to participate in Church activities.

X. Governing Law

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state in which the Church is located.

XI. Acknowledgment and Signature

A. Acknowledgment

By signing this agreement, the Parent/Guardian acknowledges that they have read and understood the terms and conditions, and agree to abide by them.

B. Signature

Parent/Guardian Name:                               


Minor’s Name:                              

Emergency Contact Name:                              

Emergency Contact Phone Number:                              

XII. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this agreement, please contact:

Church Name: [Your Company Name]
Church Address: [Your CompanyAddress]
Church Phone Number: [Your Company Number]
Church Email: [Your Company Email]
Church Website: [Your Company Website]
Church Social Media: [Your Company Social Media]

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