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Weekly Sales Call Log

Weekly Sales Call Log

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]
Date: [DATE]
Department: Sales

The Weekly Sales Call Log is designed to systematically record all telephone interactions with clients and prospects for the week. This log aids in tracking communication, managing sales activities, and evaluating progress towards goals. It provides a structured approach to follow-ups and helps in assessing the effectiveness of sales strategies.

Date & Time


Phone Number

Call Purpose

Current Status

07/15/2050, 10:00 AM

Alex Johnson

(123) 456-7890

Initial Contact


07/16/2050, 11:15 AM

Taylor Smith

(987) 654-3210

Product Demo

Follow-Up Needed

07/17/2050, 01:30 PM

Jordan Lee

(555) 123-4567

Follow-Up Call


07/18/2050, 02:45 PM

Casey Brown

(555) 987-6543



07/19/2050, 03:00 PM

Morgan Davis

(555) 111-2233

Closing Discussion



  • Record Calls Promptly: Log each call immediately to ensure accuracy.

  • Verify Contact Information: Confirm client/prospect details before logging.

  • Update Regularly: Maintain the log consistently to reflect all communications.

  • Review for Sales Activities: Use the data to track sales activities and progress effectively.

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