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Quality Assurance Decision Log

Quality Assurance Decision Log

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]
Date: [DATE]
Department: Quality Assurance

The Quality Assurance Decision Log is designed to document key decisions made during the quality assurance process. This log helps in tracking decision authority, ensuring accountability, and facilitating communication among team members. It serves as a reference for future projects and helps in assessing the impact of decisions on project outcomes.


Decision Description

Decision Authority

Impact Assessment

Action Steps


Adjust testing parameters to include edge cases

Sarah Johnson

Improves test coverage and reliability

Update test plans and cases


Approve use of new automation tool

John Davis

Increases efficiency in testing

Train team on new tool


Postpone release date by two weeks

Emily Brown

Allows for additional testing time

Communicate new timeline to stakeholders


Implement peer review for critical bugs

Michael Smith

Enhances code quality and reduces errors

Schedule peer review sessions


Conduct additional security testing

Jessica Lee

Ensures compliance with security standards

Allocate resources for security testing


  • Document Decisions Promptly: Record each decision immediately to ensure accuracy.

  • Assess Impact Thoroughly: Evaluate the potential impact of decisions on project outcomes.

  • Assign Action Steps: Clearly define and assign action steps to ensure implementation.

  • Review Regularly: Regularly review the log to track progress and make necessary adjustments.

  • Communicate Effectively: Ensure all stakeholders are informed about key decisions and their implications.

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