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Police Incident Decision Log

Police Incident Decision Log

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Date: [DATE]


The Police Incident Decision Log is a crucial tool for documenting and reviewing police responses to various incidents. It ensures that key details, decisions, and approvals are recorded systematically. This log aids in accountability, transparency, and the effective review of actions taken by law enforcement personnel. By maintaining a clear record of each incident, departments can ensure compliance with protocols, support legal and audit processes, and improve future operational strategies.

Log Entries

Date and Time


Incident Description

Decision Taken

Follow-Up Actions


Officer Smith

Reported theft at 5th Avenue

Investigate the scene and gather witness statements

Review evidence and file report

08/02/2050 09:45

Officer Johnson

Domestic disturbance on Elm Street

Mediation and separation of involved parties, no arrests

Monitor situation and provide support if needed


Officer Brown

Suspicious package near City Hall

Evacuate the area and call bomb squad

Conduct post-evacuation assessment

08/04/2050 12:30

Officer Davis

Vandalism at Central Park

Secure the area and collect evidence

Review security footage and interview witnesses

08/05/2050 14:15

Officer Wilson

Noise complaint on Maple Street

Issue a warning and check for compliance

Follow up to ensure compliance and address further issues


  • Ensure each entry includes accurate and complete information.

  • Verify that the approving officer's name and signature are included for all decisions.

  • Use the log for tracking decisions over time to identify patterns or areas for improvement.


  • Review Date: Set a regular schedule to review and update the log entries to ensure they remain relevant and accurate.

  • Compliance Check: Confirm that all decisions and actions align with department policies and legal requirements.

  • Record Keeping: Maintain the log securely and ensure access is restricted to authorized personnel only.

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