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Customer Journey Mapping Research

Customer Journey Mapping Research


[Your Company Name] is committed to understanding our customers' experiences and identifying key touchpoints along their journey. This research template will help us gather and analyze insights to enhance our customer engagement strategies.

Research Objectives

  1. Identify key stages in the customer journey.

  2. Understand customer expectations and pain points at each stage.

  3. Gather feedback to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  4. Map out opportunities for enhancing customer experiences.


Data Collection

  1. Surveys: Distribute online surveys to customers to gather quantitative data.

  2. Interviews: Conduct one-on-one interviews for in-depth qualitative insights.

  3. Focus Groups: Organize focus groups to discuss specific aspects of the customer journey.

  4. Observational Studies: Observe customer interactions with products/services in real-time.

Participant Information

  • Name: Jane Smith

  • Email: [email protected]

  • Phone Number: 222 555 7777

  • Date of Participation: July 1, 2055

Customer Journey Stages





Pain Points


Social media, advertising, word-of-mouth.

Researching products, reading reviews.

Clear, engaging information.

Overwhelming choices, lack of trust.


Company website, product demos, customer testimonials.

Comparing options, seeking recommendations.

Detailed product information, trustworthiness.

Confusing information, insufficient details.


Online store, physical store, mobile app.

Completing purchase, using discounts/


Smooth transaction, security.

Technical issues, hidden costs.


Customer support, follow-up emails, product usage.

Seeking help, providing feedback.

Effective support, acknowledgment.

Delayed responses, unresolved issues.


Loyalty programs, newsletters, exclusive offers.

Re-purchasing, referring others.

Rewards, personalized communication.

Lack of recognition, irrelevant offers.

Data Analysis

Key Findings

  • Positive Experiences: Customers appreciate the user-friendly website and prompt customer service.

  • Negative Experiences: Customers report issues with delayed shipping and lack of product availability.

  • Opportunities for Improvement: Enhance the shipping process and expand inventory.


  • Enhance Website Usability: Simplify navigation, provide comprehensive product details.

  • Improve Customer Support: Reduce response times, train staff for better problem-solving.

  • Strengthen Loyalty Programs: Offer personalized rewards, ensure timely communication.


By thoroughly mapping the customer journey, [Your Company Name] aims to refine our strategies and deliver exceptional customer experiences. The insights gained from this research will guide our efforts in fostering stronger relationships and increasing customer satisfaction.


  • "Customer Journey Mapping: A Guide to Improving Customer Experience" by Harvard Business Review.

  • "Understanding Customer Expectations" by McKinsey & Company.

  • "Enhancing Customer Loyalty Through Effective Communication" by Forrester Research.

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