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Policy Research Process

Policy Research Process


The Policy Research Process is designed to guide the systematic investigation and development of effective policies. This document outlines the structured approach for conducting policy research, detailing each step involved in the process.

1. Research Objectives

  • Objective Statement: To assess the effectiveness of current workplace wellness programs and develop a new policy to enhance employee health and productivity.

  • Scope of Research: The research will focus on employee wellness programs within the organization, excluding external wellness programs and policies.

2. Literature Review

Source Type



Academic Journals

Articles on workplace wellness


Reports from Health Org

Health organization reports on wellness

In Progress

Internal Evaluations

Previous internal wellness program reviews

Not Started

Review and Summarize:

  • Analyze studies on the impact of wellness programs on employee productivity.

  • Summarize best practices and benchmarks in employee wellness.

3. Data Collection




Employee Survey

Survey to assess satisfaction with wellness programs


Stakeholder Interviews

Interviews with HR managers and health experts


Collect Data:

  • Distribute the survey to all employees and collect responses.

  • Conduct interviews and record the findings.

4. Data Analysis

Data Type

Analysis Method


Survey Data

Statistical analysis

Trends identified

Interview Data

Thematic analysis of transcripts

Common themes and insights

Analyze Data:

  • Use statistical tools to analyze survey results and identify trends.

  • Review interview transcripts to extract common themes and insights.

Interpret Results:

  • Determine the overall effectiveness of current wellness programs.

  • Identify gaps and areas for improvement based on employee feedback and expert opinions.

5. Policy Development




Draft Policy

Create a draft policy with proposed changes

In Progress

Review and Revise

Review draft with stakeholders and incorporate feedback

Not Started

Draft Policy:

  • Create a draft policy that includes proposed changes to the wellness program, such as new health initiatives and support services.

Review and Revise:

  • Review the draft with key stakeholders and incorporate feedback.

  • Revise the policy to address any concerns or suggestions.

6. Stakeholder Consultation



Contact Information


Program participants

[email protected]

HR Department

Policy implementers

[email protected]

Health Experts

Wellness advisors

[email protected]

Consultation Process:

  • Schedule meetings with stakeholders to present the draft policy and gather feedback.

  • Use surveys or focus groups to collect additional input.

7. Final Policy Document




Prepare Final Document

Compile and finalize the policy

In Progress

Approval Process

Submit for executive approval

Not Started

Prepare Final Document:

  • Incorporate feedback and finalize the policy document.

  • Ensure the policy aligns with organizational goals and regulatory requirements.

Approval Process:

  • Submit the final policy document to the executive team for approval.

  • Obtain necessary sign-offs from decision-makers.

8. Implementation Plan




Develop Implementation Strategy

Outline steps for policy roll-out and communication

In Progress

Monitor and Evaluate

Establish metrics and review schedule

Not Started

Develop Implementation Strategy:

  • Outline the steps for rolling out the new wellness policy, including communication and training plans.

Monitor and Evaluate:

  • Establish metrics for evaluating the success of the policy.

  • Implement regular reviews and adjustments as needed.

Contact Information

  • Name: [Your Name]

  • Email: [Your Email]

  • Company Name: [Your Company Name]

  • Address: [Your Company Address]

  • Website: [Your Company Website]

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