Vision Insurance Claim

Vision Insurance Claim

Claimant Information

Name: [Your Name]

Policy Number: 123456789

Address: 123 Elm Street, Cityville, ST 12345

Phone Number: (123) 456-7890

Email: [Your Email]

Provider Information

Name: Dr. John Smith

Practice Name: Cityville Vision Care

Address: 456 Oak Avenue, Cityville, ST 12345

Phone Number: (098) 765-4321

Vision Care Services and Expenses

Date of Service

Service Description




Comprehensive Eye Exam

Dr. John Smith



Prescription Glasses

Cityville Optics



Contact Lenses (3 months supply)

Cityville Optics


Total Cost: $570.00

Supporting Documentation

The following documents are attached to support this claim:

  • Itemized bill for the comprehensive eye exam.

  • Invoice for prescription glasses.

  • Receipt for contact lenses.

  • Copy of the prescription from the eye care professional.

Claimant's Declaration

I, [Your Name], hereby declare that the information provided in this claim is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statement made in this claim could lead to a denial of reimbursement and may be subject to legal action. I authorize my insurance company to contact my eye care provider for any further information necessary to process this claim.



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