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Outsourcing Project Specification

Outsourcing Project Specification

1. Introduction

The purpose of this specification is to ensure clarity and alignment between all stakeholders and the outsourcing vendor. By providing a comprehensive overview of expectations and standards, this specification aims to facilitate a successful partnership and project execution for [Your Company Name], ensuring that all objectives and requirements are met efficiently and effectively.

2. Project Overview

2.1 Project Name

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System Development

2.2 Background

The company seeks to develop a robust CRM system to enhance customer interaction, streamline processes, and support sales and marketing efforts. Due to resource constraints, the company has decided to outsource this project to an experienced vendor specializing in CRM systems.

3. Scope

3.1 In-Scope

The scope of this project includes but is not limited to:

  • Requirement analysis and gathering

  • CRM system design

  • Development and customization

  • Integration with existing systems

  • Quality assurance and testing

  • User training and documentation

  • Maintenance and support

3.2 Out-of-Scope

The following items are explicitly out of scope:

  • Development of non-CRM-related systems

  • Hardware procurement and installation

  • Changes to existing business processes beyond CRM adaptations

4. Budget

4.1 Budget Breakdown

Cost Component

Estimated Cost

Vendor Services


Integration Costs


Quality Assurance


Training & Documentation


Maintenance & Support




Total Estimated Budget:


4.2 Payment Terms

Payment Type




Initial Payment



Upon project initiation

Milestone Payment 1



Upon delivery of the Requirements Document

Milestone Payment 2



Upon delivery of Prototype

Milestone Payment 3



Upon delivery of Final CRM System

Final Payment



Upon delivery of Training Materials and Support Plan

4.3 Payment Schedule

Payment Type

Due Date

Project Initiation Payment

2 weeks from the project start

Requirements Document Payment

4 weeks from project start

Prototype Payment

8 weeks from project start

Final CRM System Payment

16 weeks from project start

Final Payment

18 weeks from project start

5. Requirements

5.1 Functional Requirements

The CRM system must fulfill the following functional requirements:

  • Customer data management including contact information, interaction tracking, and sales history

  • Sales and pipeline management

  • Marketing campaign management

  • Service and support ticketing

  • Reporting and analytics with customizable dashboards

5.2 Non-Functional Requirements

The CRM system must meet the following non-functional requirements:

  • Scalability to support future growth

  • High availability and reliability

  • Compliance with data protection regulations

  • User-friendly interface

  • Mobile device compatibility

6. Deliverables

The project must deliver the following artifacts and outputs:

Initial Deliverable


Due Date

Project Plan

A comprehensive plan outlining timelines, milestones, and resources

2 weeks from project start

Requirements Document

Detailed documentation of all functional and non-functional requirements

4 weeks from project start


Initial prototype demonstrating core functionalities

8 weeks from project start

Final CRM System

Fully developed, tested, and deployed CRM system

16 weeks from project start

Training Materials

User manuals, training videos, and support documentation

18 weeks from project start

Support and Maintenance Plan

Document outlining support strategies and maintenance schedules

20 weeks from project start

7. Performance Metrics

The performance of the outsourcing project will be evaluated based on the following metrics:

  • Timeliness: Adherence to specified timelines for each deliverable

  • Quality: Compliance with quality standards and absence of critical defects

  • User Satisfaction: Feedback from end-users post-deployment

  • Scalability: Ability to handle increased loads and data without degradation

  • Support response time: Speed and effectiveness of issue resolution

8. Approval

This specification must be reviewed and approved by the following parties:




Date Signed


Project Sponsor

May 5, 2050


IT Manager

May 5, 2050


Vendor Project Manager

May 5, 2050

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