Free Court Affidavit Form Template



Free Court Affidavit Form Template

Court Affidavit Form


I, [Your Name], of Brownsburg, IN 46112, being duly sworn, depose and say:

  • I was born on October 19, 2050 in Brownsburg, IN 46112. I currently reside at the aforementioned address and have lived there for 25 years.

Purpose of the Affidavit

The purpose of this affidavit is to provide a detailed account of the events surrounding the contractual dispute between [Your Company Name] and Tech Innovations.

Statement of Facts

  1. I am aware and knowledgeable of the facts herein stated and the matter at hand.

  2. On July 15, 2075, a formal meeting was held between [Your Company Name] and Tech Innovations to discuss the terms of the contract renewal.

  3. During the meeting, specific terms regarding the service delivery and payment schedule were agreed upon. However, on August 1, 2075, Tech Innovations failed to adhere to the agreed payment schedule, resulting in a breach of contract. The meeting took place at [Your Company Name]'s headquarters, located at [Your Company Address].

Supporting Evidence

Attached hereto as Exhibits are the following documents that support my statements:

  • Exhibit A: Copy of the contract agreement signed on June 30, 2075.

  • Exhibit B: Email correspondence between [Your Company Name] and Tech Innovations regarding the payment schedule dated July 20, 2075.


I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of Indiana that the foregoing is true and correct.

Oath and Signature

Sworn to and subscribed before me on this 15th day of August, 2075.

[Your Name]

Date: August 15, 2075

Notary Public

Nichole Hunter

Notary Public
My Commission Expires: December 31, 2080

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