Free Aesthetic Vehicle Power of Attorney Template



Free Aesthetic Vehicle Power of Attorney Template

Aesthetic Vehicle Power of Attorney

I. Parties

This Aesthetic Vehicle Power of Attorney is made and entered into by the following parties: the Owner, [Your Name], currently residing at [Your Company Address] (the "Owner"), and the Agent, John Smith, currently residing at 123 Elm Street, Springfield, IL 62701 (the "Agent").

II. Purpose

The Owner hereby grants the Agent the authority to oversee and manage the restoration of a vintage Ferrari, specifically described as follows:

Ferrari 250 GTO, model year 1962, VIN #1234567890.

III. Scope of Authority

The Agent is granted the full authority to act on behalf of the Owner for the following purposes:

  • Coordinate with restoration professionals and service providers;

  • Approve and authorize modifications and restorations as necessary;

  • Make decisions regarding the acquisition of parts, materials, and labor;

  • Negotiate and enter into contracts related to the restoration;

  • Arrange for transportation of the vehicle as required;

  • Handle payments and transactions for the restoration project.

IV. Duration

This Power of Attorney shall remain in effect from the date of execution until the completion of the vintage Ferrari restoration project or until it is revoked in writing by the Owner.

V. Owner's Signature and Acknowledgement

In witness whereof, the Owner has executed this Power of Attorney on this 15th day of August 2050.

[Your Name]

VI. Agent's Acceptance

I, the undersigned, have read the above Power of Attorney and accept the terms and conditions herein. I agree to act in the best interests of the Owner in carrying out the restoration project.

John Smith

VII. Notarization

State of Illinois

On this 15th day of August 2050, before me, Mary Johnson, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, personally appeared [Your Name], who is known to me (or has satisfactorily proven) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Power of Attorney, and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.

Notary Public: Mary Johnson
My commission expires: December 31, 2055

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