Free Qualitative Research Protocol Template



Free Qualitative Research Protocol Template

Qualitative Research Protocol

1. Title of the Study

Understanding Customer Perceptions of Eco-Friendly Packaging in Skincare Products

2. Introduction

2.1 Background

The skincare industry is increasingly focusing on eco-friendly packaging due to rising consumer awareness about environmental issues. This study aims to explore how customers perceive eco-friendly packaging in skincare products.

2.2 Research Objectives

  • To understand how customers view eco-friendly packaging in skincare.

  • To identify factors that influence customer preferences for eco-friendly packaging.

  • To evaluate the impact of eco-friendly packaging on brand perception and customer loyalty.

3. Research Design

3.1 Research Approach

This research will use a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews and focus groups.

3.2 Data Collection Methods

  • Interviews: Conducted with 20 participants.

  • Focus Groups: Two sessions, each with 8 participants.

3.3 Sampling Strategy

Participants will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Age: 18-45 years

  • Experience: Experience with eco-friendly skincare products.

  • Skincare Routine: Regular users of skincare products.

4. Data Collection Procedures

4.1 Interview Guide

The interview guide will include questions on:

  • Personal views on eco-friendly packaging.

  • Benefits and drawbacks of eco-friendly packaging.

  • Influence on purchase decisions.

  • Brand perception related to packaging.

4.2 Focus Group Guide

The focus group guide will cover topics such as:

  • Group perceptions of eco-friendly packaging.

  • Environmental impact of packaging choices.

  • Comparative views on different brands.

4.3 Data Collection Schedule

  • Interviews: September 1, 2054 to September 30, 2054.

  • Focus Groups: October 5, 2054 and October 12, 2054.

5. Data Analysis

5.1 Transcription

All interviews and focus group discussions will be transcribed by Smith Transcription Services.

5.2 Coding and Theme Development

Data will be coded and analyzed using NVivo software to identify key themes and patterns.

5.3 Software Tools

  • NVivo for qualitative data analysis.

6. Ethical Considerations

6.1 Informed Consent

Participants will sign an informed consent form detailing the study’s purpose, procedures, and their rights. Consent forms will be prepared by [Your Company Name].

6.2 Confidentiality

Data will be anonymized and securely stored. Only the research team, including Dr. Jane Smith and [Your Name], will have access to the data.

7. Expected Outcomes

The study aims to reveal insights into consumer attitudes towards eco-friendly packaging, determine factors influencing preferences, and assess how packaging affects brand perception. The findings will guide [Your Company Name] in developing effective packaging strategies.

8. Timeline



Literature Review

August 1, 2054 - August 31, 2054

Development of Guides

September 1, 2054 - September 7, 2054

Data Collection

September 8, 2054 - September 30, 2054

Data Analysis

October 1, 2054 - October 21, 2054

Report Writing

October 22, 2054 - October 31, 2054

Review and Revision

November 1, 2054 - November 7, 2054

9. Budget

A detailed budget will include costs for:

  • Participant Incentives: $500

  • Transcription Services: $300

  • Data Analysis Software: $200

10. References

  • Smith, J. (2053). Consumer Attitudes towards Eco-Friendly Products. Environmental Research Journal.

  • Doe, J. (2052). Packaging and Consumer Behavior. Journal of Packaging Science.

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