Notary Receipt
Notary Receipt
Date: August 27, 2050
Receipt Number: 00123
Notary Public Information:
Name: [Your Name]
Commission Number: 456789
Expiration Date: August 27, 2060
Address: [Your Company Address]
Phone: [Your Company Number]
Email: [Your Company Email]
Client Information:
Name of Signatory: John Smith
Address: 456 Elm Street, Apt 12B, Springfield, IL 62702
Phone: 222 000 6666
Email: john.smith@email.fict
Details of Notarial Services Provided:
Type of Service: Acknowledgment
Document(s) Notarized: Property Deed
Service Date: August 25, 2050
Fee Details:
Amount Paid: $50.00
Payment Method: Credit Card
Purpose of Payment: Reimbursement for notarial services provided on behalf of [Your Name]
Notes: This receipt is issued to acknowledge the payment for notarial services rendered. Please retain this document for your records.
Signature of Notary Public:
[Your Name]
Notary Public, Illinois
Signature of Client (if required):
John Smith
Disclaimer: This receipt is issued as proof of payment for notarial services rendered. For any questions or concerns regarding this receipt, please contact the notary public listed above.