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Compliance Plan for OHS

Compliance Plan for OHS

I. Introduction

This Compliance Plan for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is designed to establish guidelines to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors, and visitors. It outlines the responsibilities, processes, and standards that must be adhered to in order to comply with applicable OHS regulations and to promote the well-being of all individuals within [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

II. Objectives

The primary objectives of this Compliance Plan are:

  • To ensure compliance with all relevant OHS legislation and regulations.

  • To foster a culture of safety and health within the organization.

  • To identify, assess, and control potential hazards in the workplace.

  • To provide ongoing education and training on OHS matters.

III. Scope

This Compliance Plan applies to all employees, contractors, and visitors at all operational sites and offices of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. It covers all aspects of workplace health and safety, including but not limited to hazard identification, risk assessment, emergency procedures, and safety training.

IV. Responsibilities

1. Management

  • Ensure compliance with OHS policies and regulations.

  • Provide resources and support for OHS initiatives.

  • Monitor and review OHS performance regularly.

2. Supervisors

  • Implement OHS policies and procedures within their areas of responsibility.

  • Conduct regular safety inspections and risk assessments.

  • Ensure employees receive necessary safety training.

3. Employees

  • Comply with OHS policies and procedures.

  • Report any hazards or incidents to their supervisor immediately.

  • Participate in OHS training and drills.

V. Risk Assessment and Management


Potential Impact

Mitigation Measures

Slips, Trips, and Falls

Injury to staff or visitors

Regular cleaning, use of anti-slip mats, and clear signage

Exposure to Hazardous Materials

Health complications, environmental damage

Proper storage, use of PPE, and training on handling procedures


Loss of life, property damage

Functioning fire alarms, fire drills, and accessible emergency exits

VI. Emergency Procedures

In the event of an emergency, the following procedures should be followed:

  • Evacuate the building immediately using the nearest exit.

  • Proceed to the designated assembly area.

  • Report to the supervisor for a headcount.

  • Do not re-enter the building until it has been declared safe by the authorities.

VII. Training and Education

Regular training and education on OHS topics are critical to maintaining a safe work environment. Training sessions will include but are not limited to:

  • General safety and health policies and procedures.

  • Specific training on hazardous tasks and equipment.

  • Emergency response and evacuation procedures.

VIII. Monitoring and Review

The organization will conduct regular reviews and audits to ensure ongoing compliance with OHS policies and procedures. These reviews will include:

  • Monthly safety inspections.

  • Annual OHS audits.

  • Review of incident reports and data to identify trends.

IX. References

This Compliance Plan draws upon the following sources:

  • Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).

  • The Health and Safety at Work Act.

  • Industry-specific OHS guidelines and standards.

X. Appendices

Appendix A: Contact Information

For any concerns or further information, please contact:

  • OHS Manager: [YOUR NAME] - [YOUR EMAIL]


Appendix B: Safety Checklists



Workplace Inspection


Fire Drills


Equipment Maintenance


Compliance Templates @